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I was exhausted by the time we got home.

She started crying the middle of the hall, she wouldn't get in the car because "It's a metal-monster! It'll eat me!", then she sat in the front yard for ten minutes talking to a flower.

She was the real life version of Alice in Wonderland.

I finally got her inside, stripping off her back pack and forcing her to lay on the couch while I went and got her a blanket.

She was laying upside down when I got back. I sighed, helping her sit up right.

"Cammie, it's time to go to sleep." I said, draping the blanket over her.

"Tell me a story, Callie." She smiled, snuggling deep into the blanket and couch.

I sighed, "Once upon a time, there was a boy who was mad in love with his best friend in the whole universe, but the idea of love scared him and he became lost, hoping to seek his path in other girls. When his best friend found out, she was angry. He messed up real bad and lost her forever."

"That's a sad story." She frowned, "I don't like it. Why was the boy scared?"

"Because he never loved anyone as much as he did her, and he knew she wouldn't love him back because she had always built up these walls and never let anyone get close."

"Well that's dumb. The boy just needs to knock down her walls!"

"He tried, so hard. But she kept building, and the walls got higher everytime."

"I mean if he's her bestfriend, wouldn't that allegedly mean she dropped her walls for him?" She raised her eyebrows, speaking softly.

I shrugged.

"How did he mess up?" She whispered.

"He used someone else to get what he wanted." I looked at my hands. "He used sex as a coping mechanism, and he used another girl."

"Well, he's an idiot. I hope the girl he loves forgets about him. He doesn't deserve her." She frowned, shaking her head.

I sighed softly, "Go to sleep Cammie."

"Are you gonna leave?"

"I have to go to school."

"Oh." She said sadly, playing with a loose string on the blanket, "Have fun, I guess."

"Do you want me to stay?"


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