trente cinq

575 10 1

silence played the room, other than the words and static coming from the tv. popcorn laid on lukes lap, in a big green bowl, with his girlfriend buried in his side as her fingers swiped pieces to her mouth.

when the movie stopped making sense, cameron stopped trying to understand, laying her head on calums chest with her eyes focused on the boys face. bruises scattered his cheeks, shallow cuts along his sharpest features.

curiosity killed the cameron, her mind swallowing scenarios of the three boys fighting in the middle of the cafeteria, later being dragged out by security. she cringed, images of michael right-hooking calums jaw, or calum throwing a kick to his stomach as luke threw punches at what used to be his bestfriend, running along her imagination.

the only missing details was the dialogue. who said what? when? why? who pissed the other off enough to get decked? what the fuck went down at lunch?

"so.. who started the fight?" cameron asked quietly, her small fingers running over the dark bruise on calums jaw. his eyes flickered to luke, the two sharing a worried look.

"..nevia." calum whispered, bringing his eyes back to his girlfriend. she stiffened, a sharp gasp coming from her lips. he instantly felt guilty, glancing at luke once more. he gave the tan boy a reassuring nod.

"oh.. whatd she say?" she chewed on her cheek, no longer tracing calums skin.

"dont worry about it." he mumbled, offering a soft smile to her before leaning up to press a kiss to her lips, only for her to pull away and sit up.

"stop fucking saying that. when are you guys gonna stop treating me like a baby? im 17 i can handle shit." she looked between the two boys. luke pressed his lips together, looking at calum.

"cammie--" calum started.

"no! you act like im some sensitive little kid, im not! youve been doing this since we were kids, you just act like im not capable of handling adult situations!" she raised her voice, anger burning in every part of her body.

"its not that we dont think youre capable, cameron, its just that we--"

"shut the fuck up luke. we werent even friends until a week ago, you dont have a say on whats good and whats bad for me." she scoffed, "you should stop trying to be the good guys. like fuck you kicked michaels ass twice in one day and wont tell me why, and youre suddenly not friends with him because of whatever reason i dont get to know about like always. when do i get to handle my own problems?"

"because last time you tried you almost fucked your life up." corrynn spoke angrily, those being the first words she said in hours. "we aren't letting you deal with this because its nevia. that conniving, manipulative bitch who put you in a hospital for two weeks, and could probably do it again just by saying your name. dont fucking say you can handle it when you know damn well you cant."

they locked eyes, camerons glassing over with her jaw quivering as the memories replayed when corrynns voice hit the air. calum reached for her hand but she jerked it away.

"good job, corrynn. cant keep your fucking mouth shut."

"the only way she fucking understands is if you sound like an asshole, calum!" she yelled, standing up, "im sorry i made you cry, but fuck cameron, youre so oblivious to the reality of these situations, and you dont even try to understand what would really happen to you. you wanna deal with it on your own? go ask michael what he did."

the sound of the door slamming shut followed her stomps. luke looked at the door then cameron as a tear fell.

"im sorry cammie." he whispered before following her.

"what did michael do, calum?" she whispered, looking at him. he stayed silent, sighing softly. "what did he do?!"


idk what this was but whats good

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