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There was yelling when we left 6th period. 

And a crowd.

Fights are cool.

"Hit him Michael!"  

We swapped quick glances before booking it.

I managed to get through the crowd with no issues. 

Perks to being small. 

But I almost tripped over Luke and stumbled into the middle, Calum close behind.

Michael had Ashton pinned against the wall, his collar balled up in his fists. He was red in the face.

I grabbed at his jacket, pulling at it. Of course, my tiny self was no match for his giant self. I fell on my ass. Cal took initiative, yanking Michael back. Ashton fell to the ground, coughing. I stood up, standing in front of Michael while Calum aided Ashton. 

"What the fuck, Cameron!?" He yelled. I scoffed, pushing him out of the crowd with my hands on his chest. He would push back, but gave up half way out.

The hall cleared.

"What are you doing?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Taking care of business, fuck does it look like?"

"I thought you were better than this." I whispered. "You were doing so well."

Two weeks without nearly putting Ashton in the hospital.

His jaw clenched, he glared then walked off.

Well, stalked off. 

I turned, Calum had his hand on Ashton's shoulder and he was nodding to something he said. 

"Are you okay?"

"You didn't have to save me." He coughed.

"Does the hospital sound like a fun visit for you then?"

He shook his head. "Thank you, both of you." 

"What do you think that was about?" Calum asked after Ashton walked away. 

I shrugged, watching him disappear from sight.

"Michael was most likely just being an ass." 

"Now you see why I don't like him." 

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