quarante quatre

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i sighed when michael showed up in my room the next morning. he stepped around boxes and backpacks to sit on my bed. its no doubt he sweet talked my mum into letting him in.

"you're leaving?" he whispered. no reply. "right. i just uh.. i came to apologize, i know you don't care, but i need you to know im sorry for it. for everything. you don't deserve anything we put you through, we did some shit things and i feel like shit because of it. im so sorry cameron."

i stopped what i was doing, which had been putting picture frames into a box, and looked at him. i was touched. kinda. he cared enough to come to my house and apologize and that made my heart warm.

"i forgive you. and only you."

he nodded, looking around my room again. you could see the sadness in his eyes and the way his lips tried desperately not to frown and for that-- i felt sick. i already felt bad in general, i was leaving my best friends over my stupid mistakes. granted, michael and i weren't on the best terms because of what happened with nevia, but in this moment-- i considered him one of my dearest friends and that made this hurt more than it already did.

"it'll be weird without you here." he whispered.

"dont tell him im leaving." i returned to my box, "dont tell any of them. just pretend that you weren't the last person to see me. okay? promise me you wont say anything."

"i promise."

"thank you."

"cam, i also just want you to know i love you."

"i know." i whispered, closing the box and taping it up. he stood up and was suddenly standing next to me.

"wherever you're going, i hope you're happier there." he said softly, staring down at me, "i also wish i had more time."

"i know, but you don't." i sighed softly, looking up at him. "i think it's time for you to go, mike."

"take care of yourself, cam." he left a lingering kiss on my cheek and disappeared.


i said goodbye to michael. i said goodbye to Australia. i said goodbye to the gate that had Calum and I's name on it from when we were 6. i said goodbye to the room that had every single memory of us on the walls. i said goodbye to my school. to the park. to the vans store where every employee knew our name. i said goodbye to the parking lot where the carnival sat everywhere. i was leaving 17 years here and i had a heavy chest. i had cried the entire car ride to the airport, and even some more while we waited.

i wish i didn't have to go but its the right thing to do, for me, for my parents, for calum, for everyone. regardless of how shitty it is to just disappear off the face of the earth, its gotta be this way.

i took my seat next to the window and sighed.

"you okay, kiddo?" mum asked. i look at her and smiled softly.

"yeah, im okay mum."



this is the end

i hope u all liked this trash story

ty for sticking around to read it , it means a lot to me . this is my first ever FINISHED story on here and im kinda happy with it .

thank you 💘

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