trente quatre

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"keep your shit out my girlfriends house." calum spat, throwing the metallica tank into his chest.

"baby please, cmon dont do this." cameron begged, pulling his arm.

michael laughed, "keep your girlfriend out of my shit."

calum pushed her out of the way so he could grab his collar and slam him against the lockers.

"wanna get fuckin smart clifford? say somethin' else." calum turned red in anger, michaels shirt balled up in his fists.

"your girlfriends a good fuck." michael smirked. the bone crushing sound of calums fist making contact with his nose echoed through the hall. cameron gasped, covering her mouth with wide eyes.

blood ran down his nose and lips, but he still laughed. "youre just fucking mad i was there for her when you played pretend with sydney behind the bleachers after a game. we all know calum. we know how much of a twat you are and how much you fucked cameron over. now that you know someone took care of her and treated her better than you ever could, you cant stand it. you cant handle the fucking truth."

"shut up!" calum screamed, letting his fist make contact with metal beside his head. calum let him go, michael slid to the ground. she stepped in, pushing calum back with her hands on his chest.

"enough. you did what you needed. go." she looked at michael, "making you mad is all he wants."

"say something again and ill end you." calum sneered, pulling cameron with him down the hall.

"is your hand okay cal?" she asked, tripping to keep up with him. he pulled her to a stop.

"is what he said true? did he treat you better than i did?" he was mad, and hurt. because what if it was true? what if someone could make his baby feel better than he could?

"no." her face distorted in confusion, "what the fuck? youre gonna believe what he says?"

"when you fuck up as bad as i did, you gotta question yourself. was he better?"

"calum," she took his face in her hands, "believe me when i say no. now is your hand okay?" she moved her hands to his, examining it.

"it doesnt hurt."

"thats your adrenaline talking. once you calm down you'll find your knuckles broken or something. you hit him really hard, calum."

"he deserves worse than what he got."

"dont we all," she sighed, "i think you should go to the nurse."

"so i can get a bandaid? no. besides, nevias lurking somewhere, i cant leave you."

"i can take care of myself." she mumbled, turning his hand in her palm. the bruising already began around his knuckles. "at least go get an ice pack."

he nodded and they went to the nurse, receiving an ice pack, then sat at the cafeteria. they sat on the same side of the bench, his hand on the table while she iced it, frowning every time he winced.

luke and corrynn sat on the opposite side, eyes immediately flicking to his hand.

"you broke michaels nose?" corrynn asked with wide eyes. calum shrugged, his eyes focused on cameron.

"he probably deserved it knowing him." luke mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows. all three looked at him.

"thats your bestfriend." calum pointed out with confused expressions, eyes locking with the blond boy.

"not anymore. after-- hes not. dont worry."

"wait after what?" cameron asked quickly, tilting her head.

"dont worry about it baby." calum leaned over and kissed her forehead. she frowned, of course he got to know.

and it was as if on queue that michael and the raven haired girl from the carnival walked in. it wasnt until this very moment that everyone saw her face. camerons eyes widened, calum was ready to get up and make a scene but she held his arm.

"please dont." she whispered, eyes never leaving the other girl. michaels nose was already bruised and he as well had an ice pack to his face as they sat at a table directly across from them. neither looked at the group.

"cam we can leave if you want." luke whispered, watching her eyes glass over.

"no its-- it." she swallowed hard, her chest tightening and losing the ability to breathe properly. her hands shook, causing her to drop the ice pack.

"baby?" calum whispered with worry tainting his words. she didnt utter another word as she got up and ran out of the cafeteria, ignoring the tables calls for her. corrynn ran after her, leaving the boys to do whatever it was that boys do.

"cameron!" she yelled, running further down the hall to find cameron against a locker with her knees to her chest. she was crying, head buried in crook of her arm with her body shaking lightly with every sob. corrynn let out a light sigh, taking a seat next to her and pulling her into her.

"why is h-he with her after sh-e hurt me so bad?" she choked out, her voice muffled under her hands.

"shh, its okay. dont worry about it." she whispered, rubbing her back.

the security guard walked through the hall, calum and lukes shirt in either of his fists.

"wait! mr daughtry! ill take them to the office for you." corrynn said, quickly standing up. he sighed, handing them over and he walking away because no one wants to deal with calum or luke.

cameron looked up, eyes settling on the two beat up boys in front of her.

"what did you do?!" she gasped, calum sitting beside her. his lip was busted and a bruise was forming at his jawline, lukes features were similar. only the cut on his eyebrow instead. "calum!"

"dont worry. are you okay?" he whispered, wiping her tears with his good hand.

"are you okay?" she grabbed his face in her hand, examining it while luke pulled corrynn away.

"baby, my jaw." he groaned, pulling her hand away from his skin. "im fine. dont worry. c'mere." he wrapped his arms around her, her head burying itself in the crook of his neck. "im not gonna let her hurt you." his voice was soft, fingers raking through her hair while she sniffled softly.

after several looks, and constant attempts to go back to the cafeteria, corrynn sat down next to her again with an irritated look.

"are you gonna be okay for your game tonight?" luke asked, sitting in front of corrynn.

"im not going to this one."

"yes you are! you cant skip this."

"but you--"

"but im fine. ill sit down at the bottom, ill be okay."

"what about his face?" corrynn interjected curiously.

"it doesnt hurt."

"i think you broke your hand too."

everyone looked at cameron.

"is coach gonna give you shit for missing?" she looked back up at him, his head shaking.

"looks like we're all hanging out tonight." corrynn grinned.



hi rynn

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