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It was accidental match day.

Red vans.

When I walked into school, they were both fucked up. She had stitches on her nose, and he had a black eye.

I almost felt bad.

He came up to me at lunch and sat next to me silently.

Ten minutes passed and neither of us said a word.

"Do you want a chicken nugget?" I asked softly, pushing the tray over to him.

"I'm sorry, Cammie." He whispered, staring at his hands. I went silent again.

Why should I speak? I did nothing wrong. And don't tell me punching her was wrong, she touched me first.

"I told her last night. It's over."

"Okay." I said, obviously done with this entirely. Like, I'm so tired of hearing about this. Michael treats me better and he bullied me for 6 years.

"I'm really sorry, I know I can't take any of it back."

"Glad you can at least understand that."

"You know, maybe you are right. Maybe I am just some sex driven asshole, but I do love you Cameron."

"Here we go with the lying." I sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Here we go with you still not believing me." He raised his eyebrows.

Look who thinks he's smart.

"First of all, you used a girl to supposedly "hide your love"" I used air quotes, "For me. Then, after I got you hard in a janitors closet, you called her to solve your lil' buddies problem. THEN, you called me a whore in front of her. God knows what else you did." I shook my head.


"I don't wanna do this right now, Calum. Just leave me alone." I stood up, throwing my tray away and leaving the cafeteria.

Michael stopped me halfway down the hall.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi there, Cliffoconda." I grinned.

"I dig it. I have something for you."

"Oh, presents. I love them."

He held his palm out, presenting a pink pill.

"Fuck is that?" I squinted my eyes.

"It's fun in a pill."

"I really shouldn't. We're in school and it wouldn't mix well with my adderall."

"You have ADD?" He drew his eyebrows together. I nodded. "THAT'S WHY YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" He exclaimed.

"Gee, thanks."

"I'm sorry. Take this though. You'll like it."


"Don't you trust me?"

I sighed, looking around to make sure no one was looking directly at us then I took the pill and swallowed it.

"Don't die." He grinned.

"I hate you." I sighed, watching him turn and walk off.

I mirrored his actions, walking the other way.

I came to a halted stop, reaching for the locker to steady myself.


I didn't think pills reacted that fast.

My vision grew blurry and distorted.

I'm going to die.



I was so stupid. Why did I think that shit with Sydney would be okay? I'm glad Michael kicked my ass, I would've done it too.

The worst part was I lost my bestfriend. I've known her since I was 5. We've been inseparable since.

Where's Michael so he can kick my ass again.

I walked through the hall, well sulked through the hall, when I saw her Sitting against the locker with her head in her heads. Her elbows were propped against her knees and she was tapping her foot fast.

Was she crying?

No, Cameron doesn't cry.

She's made of steel.

Maybe if I sit next to her she'll punch me.

Lets risk it.

Her foot stopped tapping when I sat.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Calum!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around me.

This isn't the reaction I was looking for.

"Um.. Hi, Cammie." I said softly, patting her arm.

"I love you so much!" She said happily, placing a wet kiss on my cheek.

I looked at her, "Are you okay? An hour ago you wanted to kick my teeth in." I drew my eyebrows together in confusion.

She nodded fast. I got closer to her face, examining her features. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"Are you fucking high?"

"No." She smiled wide, then whispered; "I'm low.. on gas and you need a jacket, babe. You look cold!" She frowned.

"You're fucking stoned." I shook my head.

"No, no. I got this present. It was happiness a pink pill. It makes me feel like I'm on a cloud."

"Cammie, who gave you the pill?"

"Mike Wazowski!" She clapped her hands together.

"Fucking, Michael!" I stood up. She had grabby hands towards me.

"Don't leave," She frowned, dropping her hands on her lap, "You always leave me. Like, you left me for that girl. I understand though, she's prettier. And taller. And nicer." She played with her hands sadly.

Maybe it's not the best idea to leave her alone.

"C'mon, I'm taking you home." I took her hands and pulled her up, she immediately threw her arms around my torso. "Cam, baby, come on please don't do this. Walk. Okay, look at my feet, lets do this." I tried pushing her off so she would walk, but she wouldn't budge.

This is gonna be a long process.





what am i doing


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