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I stood in the halls, watching students run past me or stand still with their mouths connected. I may vomit. Or punch someone. Either works for me.

Maybe not vomit, my esophagus is not up for that.

I don't even know if my esophagus is okay anymore, like honestly.

I pulled my phone out, glancing around before dialing Michael's number.

"Why are you calling me? I see you in like, twenty minutes."

"Can you meet me somewhere?"


"The place you showed me you weren't a dick."


I laughed, hanging up and walking down the hall. I stood in the exact place I slammed into him.

I'm thankful I hit him. Not because we had sex, but because I wouldn't have anyone to go to when I had Calum issues.

I had Corrynn, but she couldn't understand. She's all violence and "rawr, I'll chop your dick off." But, Michael gets it. He'll explain it to me. (Face it, two blondes trying to figure out how a boy thinks is exhaustingly complicated.)

"What's up, Alice?" He leaned against the wall. I looked at him, taken by shock at his new blue hair.


"Who the fuck is Alice?"

"You? Little blonde who likes to trip out on drugs? No?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, whats up Bubbles?"

"Um, well.. Calum and I made up..."

"That's good! Finally!" He smiled, but then furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, "You're going to say but, aren't you?"

"Am I supposed to trust him? I mean after everything?"

"Did he come to you? Or did you go to him?"

"He did."

"I think you can start to. If he didn't want to try, he wouldn't have shown up."

"What if secretly sees her?"

"Cammie," He took my shoulders in his hands, "You don't have to worry. He loves you."

"Or so he says." I mumbled.

"He said it first, he came to you after he did what he did, Cam, no guy does that if they don't care."

I sighed.

I believed him.

Because I trusted him.

"So give him a chance?"

"Give him a chance. If he fucks up, punch him and remember my shoulder is free to cry on." He smiled.

I sighed again. "Thank you, Mikey."

"I'm happy I can help." He leaned down and kissed my head before looping my arm with his and walking down the hall. It was hard considering I was titty height.

Not that he has titties.

You know what I fuckin' meant.

We got weird looks going down the hall.

If I wasn't on the verge of being expelled, I would've turned around and punched the girl who whispered that I was a slut.

Like, what are you doing with your life? You've slept with the entire baseball team.

Highschools the fucking worst.

What's even worse was how much jealousy was in Calum's facial expression when I walked up to him with Michael.

His jaw was clenched, he had his eyebrows drawn.

Jealousy was a sexy look on him.

Oh, what're you gonna do Calum, punish me?


He doesn't need any ideas.

It's fucking Calum.

"Hey babe." He took my hand, basically ripping me from Michael.

"Calum, don't be an asshole. You have to be semi nice to my friends, like Michael." I pointed at him. "You've just got to have trust."

"I trust you, I just don't trust him." He glared at him.

I held my breath.

"Hey man, that's your girl. I'm not going to overstep my boundaries with her. I know better than to kiss someone when they or I'm in a relationship." He put his hands in the air in defense.

Peep that fucking sneak diss, though.

I chewed on my cheek, anticipating Calum's next sentence.

He seemed to relax. I let out a silent sigh in relief.

Thank you @ god, for not blessing my boyfriend with anger issues. I honestly wouldn't be able to handle that.

Not with mine, especially.

"I'll see you guys in class." Michael smiled before walking into class.

Calum turned to me and I just fucking knew from the look he gave me that he was going to say something that would lead to me yelling at him.

I don't wanna yell.

I don't like yelling at him.

"Don't start, Calum. If we're gonna do this, you have to trust me."

I'm one to be talking about trust,

"Michael is just a friend, and that's it."

He clearly fucking doesn't.

"I know, and I trust you." He took my hands in his, "Just no more drugs, okay? Not alone with him at least."

That's what this is about?

"You act like I'm gonna have sex with him while I trip on ecstasy." I groaned, leaning my head back.

"You fucking did, Cameron."

"That was LSD, it's different."

"You're a brat."

"I was just correcting you! Gosh, asshole." I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed.

His eyes did that crinkle thing and I almost fell.

"But you're my brat." He leaned down pressing a kiss to my cheek.

My face heated up.

I'm gonna fight him.

He laughed again, pulling away and intertwining our fingers.

"C'mon, we have math to do."


i still fucking hate them

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