Stu w/ soft and fragile s/o HCs

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Ok so he's sooooo protective of you

Like he wants to hide you away from everything
your his world and you're much too delicate...

but you're less shy around him

when he finally realizes that he's the only person you act truly comfortable around, he melts into a puddle


Horror movie marathons but he covers your eyes at anything even slightly scary

nobody would dare to do anything to you
even though nobody'd ever know, if they did do something to you- they'd be dead that same day

Stu has very little to no self control so his intrusive thoughts are just intrusive actions

however, you always put up with him

tatum would occasionally get annoyed with him, but you were always patient with him

he let's you play with his fingers and rings when you're anxious

even though he likes parties, he doesn't take you to them often

if he wants to have one though, he always invites you over before and after if you don't want to be at the actual party

if you knew he was Ghostface and still loved him, he'd be greatly comforted but not that surprised

youre the  loyal-to-the-end til-death-do-us-part kind of lover and he loves that

even though you're delicate, your love and feelings for him are fierce

he fiercely protects you in return

any loud noises scare you? He's already holding you
Something even slightly bad happens? He's already comforting you
You get the gist

He'd also work with you on your confidence

Telling you it's not always your fault and you don't have to apologize for others

he does help build up your confidence

he helps you out if your shell too, whenever you want his help with that

He'd take you out shopping to buy new clothes and just spoil the shit outta you

He loves material things so you must learn to as well if you don't

you look at anything for a while but don't pick it up? He insists you try it on, and if you don't he'll just buy it
you will eventually relent and try it on
If you like it, he'll buy it but even if you didn't he could still buy it but wouldn't (ugh rich kids smh [joking y'all])

he just wants you to be happy and safe

and he'd do anything to ensure that you are

even if he has to turn to a bit of stalking... if it's to keep you safe, he'd do it

if you have abusive family, he'd snatch you and you'd just move in w/ him

if you were in a abusive relationship while you and Stu were talking, oh no! Your abusive ex died! 😱😱😱😱😱 isn't that WILD?!?!

he'd be so protective and you'd feel much safer knowing you have a guardian Angel (who'd say himself he's more if a demon) protecting you

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