S. M. Get Out of Study Group Free! :Gn! Reader 🧡

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Summary: A phrase uttered during an incredibly boring study group turns into something a bit more because of Stu's dirty mind. Also, a godsent reason to leave
Warnings: slight dirty talk, swearing, mentions of sex, spice, teasing, mentions of public sex, sexual teasing in public, tatney at the end cuz I love them, everybody's mean to Casey and nobody likes her (sorry Casey :( )
Length: 1.1k

Prompt 13B~ "Ugh, fuck me!" "Don't tempt me, darling~" "You know that's not what I meant... but I'd be okay with that actually"

You slumped onto the table, burying your face in your arms. The outside area was crowded and loud, adults chattering and laughing. You could hardly think, let alone do your work. You, Casey, Sidney, and Tatum were doing a study group together since your teacher had unfortunately assigned all four of you together.

It was awkward to say the least. Casey and Tatum didn't like each other because of Steve, Casey didn't like you because of Stu, Sidney didn't like Casey that much because of Tatum, and Tatum and Sidney liked you and each other way more than Casey so it was overall a very uncomfortable situation.

You wished for a knight in armor to come and sweep you up, far away from this disastrous 'study group.' However, Stu was supposed to be in detention. This was one of your 'free periods' Woodsboro College allowed its students to 'relax and study.' You, unfortunately, weren't getting to do either.

Hands grabbed your shoulders roughly, moving you to the left and shoving you into Casey, causing you to look up with a start. The owner of the hands sat down beside you, none other than your boyfriend: Stu Macher. Who, you might add, was currently supposed to be in detention.

Casey immediately stiffens beside you, curling her lip and glaring at the two of you. She recoils, sliding to the end of the bench. Stu notices, and smirks, leaning in to kiss you. You hear an angry hiss escape Casey at Stu's actions. However, you dodge Stu, not wanting to enflame Casey's temper anymore. You push him away lightly, giving him a look.

"Wait a second. Stu, aren't you supposed to be in detention?!" You exclaim, narrowing your eyes at the boy beside you. Tatum and Sidney nod, murmuring in agreement.

He just grinned, and winked at you. "Emphasis on supposed to be, your highness. Not anymore though!"

You sighed heavily at his words, rolling your eyes affectionately and turning back towards the open book in front of you. Stu immediately started chatting with state and Sid, effectively taking away your study partners and leaving you to stare at the stupid, boring ass book alone.

He nudged you aggressively, talking obnoxiously about something, he always was- "Ugh, fuck me, Stu! What is it?!"

A wide smirk immediately graces his face, his eyes darkening. "Don't tempt me darling~" he teased, placing a hand on your upper thigh. You internally cringed at your rather poor wire choice in that moment.

"You know that's not what I meant..." You sigh heavily before peeking up. "But I'd be okay with that actually," you muttered quietly to him, smirking slightly. His grin widened, and he moved his hand up your thigh, sliding it onto your upper inner thigh, a hair's length away from where you wanted him.

"Oh really now, hm? Just gonna whore yourself out to me, in front of your closet friends, worst enemy, and the entire population out here?" He grinned, waving his tongue around at you obscenely.

You gave him a dirty look, shifting so his hand rubbed against you. He raised an eyebrow at you, the delight at your eagerness and willingness clear in his eyes. "Bet you'd like it if I just bent you over this table and fucked you right here, hm? Just use you in front of the whole campus, let them all know what a good little slut you really can be, yeah? Why spend time studying when you can be fucking! You don't need to pass your class to be good for me," he declared smoothly, tapping on your head with a finger roughly.

He grabbed your waist roughly, moving you onto his lap carefully. Inhaling sharply at his actions, it was easy to feel how painfully hard he was. You shifted, moving your hips, creating friction between the two of you carefully, his hands still on your hips. You bit your lip harshly, fighting to not moan loudly. It just felt so good, and you could hear Stu's breathing quicken and felt his heart beat rapidly against your back.

You continued to fake studying for only a couple minutes more (that you couldn't lie, felt like hours) before finally getting up with the strained excuse of: "well, Stu won't leave me or you guys alone, so I'll put us all out of our misery and call it quits! Bye guys, see you tomorrow!" You quickly packed up your supplies, Stu practically dragging you towards the dorms.

"I'm gonna rail you so hard you won't be able to think, let alone study!" He chirped way too happily for his words. He grabbed your hand, squeezing gently and swinging your hands together as you walked through campus.

"Well, better than having to do study group. Win-win, I get railed, you get to fuck me, neither of us have to put up with Casey!" You add thoughtfully. Anything was better than study group, but this was especially good.

"It's a win-win-win then! Triple win!" He grinned, pulling you closer. Then, he was pulling you towards him so you were now facing him, before his hand was in your underwear, cupping your arousal, rubbing gently.

You gasped, moaning loudly, which you quickly turned into a fake groan of annoyance. You widened your eyes at Stu pointedly, he chose to ignore your point, continuing to walk backwards and continuing his not very walking- or college-campus-friendly actions.

That 5 minute walk to the dorms? It was going to take forever

Bonus: Sidney and Tatum after you and Stu left (Tatney suggestive)
"Wonder why they left so suddenly," Sidney muttered, packing up her books and strolling the grounds with Tatum.

The blonde girl snorted at Sidney's innocence. "They're obviously going to fuck, Sid. Did you see them? Wonder if it was partially cuz of nut Casey," she answered scornfully.

"Nut Casey, that's a new one. Nut case?"

"yeah. C'mon, maybe we can go fuck too," Tatum suggested, pulling Sidney towards the dorms, grinning. The two girls followed in yours and Stu's footsteps eagerly.

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