Supernatural: Ghost! Billy & Stu x f! reader ❤️‍🔥

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Summary: moving into your new house in uneventful Woodsboro, California wasn't something you expected to be particularly exciting. But when you research what exactly took place there and who died there- things start to get a bit more interesting.
Warnings: major mentions of murder, death, killing, ghosts, sex, ghost fucking, monster fucking??, cunilingus, groping, I'm very funny during this, unedited I'm sorry 😭
Length: 1.5k

You were new to Woodsboro, California. It was a small town, nothing like Los Angeles or San Francisco like where you had wanted to move. But naturally your parents insisted you move here since you're going to college so close by. They said they'd buy and live in the house and help you pay rent, but only if you went to that stupid, stupid college they had gone to and fallen in love at. So you went, so they'd pay.

The house was nice. It was huge as well, which you appreciated. Your room was nice, and spacious with multiple doors, which was mildly confusing at first. You liked it! But apparently not many others did.

"that's the old Macher house," a girl you were working with told you.

You laughed. "So? What's so important about them? Did they die in there or something?"The girl and your coworker exchanged glances. "what? Did they actually?" You questioned nervously.

"Well, a couple months ago, in the early fall, the Woodsboro murders happened. Ever heard of the Stab movie? Yeah, based on a true story- that took place in your new house," your coworker muttered quietly.

"Whoa whoa whoa- slow down here. What exactly happened?"

"I have the book- here. It's by Gale Weathers, a news reporter from here," the girl said, and handed you a black book with silver lettering. "Read it when you get the chance- it'll explain everything, tell you everything about your new house."

"Oookayy..." you stated confusedly. You had felt a slightly... off vibe to the new house in certain areas. Cold patches, if you will. Even where there's no air conditioners right by it, the place would be freezing. You'd have to read up on the story of your house.

After reading the book, you were even more unnerved. Only a few months ago, Casey Becker, Steve Orith, Principal Himbry of Woodsboro High, Kenny (Gale's cameraman), and Tatum Riley were all killed by Billy Loomis, and none other than the former occupant of your new room, Stu Macher. Not only that, but they had also killed Maureen Prescott a year prior and framed Cotton Weary.

Additionally, the cold patches you felt? There was one right by the new TV- right where Sidney Prescott, one of the four survivors, had killed Stu Macher by pushing the old TV onto his head, killing him. The other cold patch was right by the stairs, where Sidney had shot Billy Loomis in the head. Gale Weathers, Dewey Riley, and Randy Meeks were the other survivors.

You scoured over the book quickly, consuming more and more terrifying information page by page. You developed mental images of everyone- so you were shocked when you flipped to the back of the book to see the photos- and was proven very wrong.

You'd imagined the two killers to be ugly looking, and everyone else beautiful. You weren't sure why, but you had. You saw photos of Casey and Steve's bodies, Gale and Kenny's weather van, Tatum's body, and many other photos. But then, you came across the photos of everyone there. Sidney looked sweet, but tough- a brunette with longer hair and bangs. Tatum looked how she sounded- fun and popular- a stylish blonde with brown eyes. Randy did look pretty geeky- but he was still pretty cute in his green shirt with his spiky-ish brown hair.

Then, you saw the two who had died here. Billy Loomis and Stu Macher. Who were both incredibly hot. Your eyes bugged out of your head, not expecting them to look like that. "Holy fuck! They may have been killers... but DAMN they were FINE as HELL!" You exclaimed loudly, your voice echoing. It didn't matter since you were home alone. "They're prolly down in hell now too..." you added quietly to yourself.

"Here's the catch, pretty, we aren't," a playful voice said in your right ear. You froze. There was no one there! What the hell? Were you hearing things? Hallucinating? Had you scared yourself so badly in reading it that you were now imagining them to be haunting you?

"So we're fine as hell, huh?" A different, deep voice asked in your other ear. You gulped.

"N-no way! I'm hallucinating! This-this isn't real!" You yelped, backing away, into your headboard. Cold as ice, invisible fingers trailed across your thighs. They traced the length of your leg before stopping at your skirt.

"Oh, sweetheart, we're very real. Just not human," the voice on your left side said. The next thing you knew, two partially visible zombies hovered on either side of you. One's face was unrecognizable, bloody, scarred, and burned and the other had a bullet wound in the head and blood was all over his face.

You had never screamed so loud. The two immediately blinked out of sight before reappearing completely fine. Emphasis on fine, the two were even hotter in person. Or was it in ghost?

They were wearing the clothes they were killed in. You finally recognized the two. The one on your left was the infamous Billy Loomis. The one on your right, previous habitant of this very room, was Stu Macher. Billy was smirking and Stu was grinning. You weren't sure what facial expression you were supposed to be making.

"Boo!" Stu cackled. Billy rolled his eyes at the awful joke his partner-in-crime made. "Not what you were expecting, babe?" The blonde's grin split his face wider. "We're a bit scary, aren't we?"

"Yeah... stuff of your nightmares... but we look like a dream, don't we?" Billy added.

"Yeah, a wet dream," you muttered under your breath.

Stu cackled again at that, and Billy raised his eyebrows. "Oh really know, hm? Would you like to see if that's true?"

"Wh-what do you mean?" You asked nervously, unsure of whatever that was supposed to mean.

"What do you think it means? C'mon, baby, you're smart. Figure it out!" Stu grinned.

You hesitated. You did know, you just weren't sure how it was supposed to work. "You-you'd have sex with me? But how?"

"We're just not technically here. You can still feel us though sweetheart, don't you worry about that," Billy smirked.

Stu began tracing his fingers up your thigh again, this time letting them slip under your skirt, playing with the waistband of your underwear.

Billy leaned in to kiss you. It felt like any kiss before, just really fucking cold. You hesitated momentarily before kissing him back. He pushed you backwards so you were laying fist against your bed.

Stu yanked your underwear down, his freezing fingers trailing lightly over your skin, causing goosebumps to pop up. Your gasp at the coldness was taken advantage of by Billy, who decided to stick his tongue in your mouth. You gasped again at the feeling.

Your makeout session with Billy continued to intensify as Stu slowly started teasing you, getting you nice and wet. His deft fingers flicking over your clit, gently sinking into you, pumping in and out lightly. A soft moan escaped your lips into Billy's mouth. He pulled away, much to your disappointment, but began leaving cold kisses along your jaw, then down your neck. He paused at your collarbone, sucking and biting the soft skin there, leaving his mark.

The brunettes hands slipped under your tee shirt, gently groping your breasts over your lacy bra. Meanwhile, Stu had slipped between your legs and was beginning to eat you out.

"Mm, so filthy baby. Letting murderer's ghosts fuck you! What would your friends say?" Billy teased, in clipping your bra while Stu buried his tongue roughly into your cunt.

"Oh!" You cried out at the feeling, grabbing the bed sheets to ground yourself. Billy tossed your bra and shirt, trailing kisses down your now bare chest. He was just about to-

"We're home!" Your mother yelled loudly, finally returning from her shopping trip.

Billy and Stu immediately pulled away, and you lunged towards their ghostly figures whinily. "Shh, don't worry babe, we're literally always around," Stu stated, winking at you.

"Go make yourself decent for your parents. We'll see you around- even if you don't see us!" Billy laughed. Then, the two of them were gone. Vanished into thin air.

You lay on your bed, surprised and confused. Your clothes lay around your room randomly and you slowly got up to retrieve them. "That was... supernatural," you muttered.

Part 2 is a possibility I just have no ideas 💀

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