BL/SM: The Coroner 🧡 (gn, coroner-in-trainer reader)

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Summary: Casey Becker is killed by Ghostface! Thankfully, you're there when she is so you can help your two boyfriends identify the causes of her untimely demise.
Warnings: VERY DARK CONTENT AHEAD, murder, swearing, stabbing, light torture ??, mentions of gutting and hanging, lots of blood, reader is pretty violent, so are Billy & Stu, mild spice at the end, making out, sexual implications/innuendos,
Length: 1.6k

Billy dragged Casey by her ankles towards the tree. You and Stu were waiting there, patiently. Well, you were being patient, Stu wasn't, but he never was. Finally, the bob-cut blonde backstabbing bitch (quadruple B as the three of you had taken to secretly calling her) came into sight. Stu gasped and clapped his hands childishly. You smirked, eyes glinting in the dark.

Her breath was shallow, and voice weak. You all knew that meant she wouldn't be able to scream. You licked your lips at the sight, you'd be able to have some real fun with her.

Finally, she was right in front of you. "Thank you boys, I'll take it from here for a bit... gotta figure out her cause of death!" You giggled, climbing on top of the Becker girl so you were now straddling her. She wheezed at the sight of your face, shakily raising her arm and pointing at you.

Billy immediately slapped her arm down. "Dead girls can't move!" He chided much to Stu's amusement, his raucous laughter echoing. You pulled on your gloves, holding your hand out to Stu for the knife, which he graciously gave you.

"You- you're-!" She whispered, looking between the three of you. You smirked as the two boys pulled off their masks.

"Surprise, whore. Weren't expecting that, we're you?" Stu giggled

"What's wrong Casey? You look a little scared!" Billy taunted saucily.

You giggled eagerly, placing the knife delicately on Casey's stomach, pinning her arms down with your knees. All four of you knew any attempt she made to fight back would not be rewarded.

You wiggled your gloves fingers in anticipation, the boys leaning in, excited to enjoy the show. "Casey Becker, died September 24, 1996. Cause of death: gutting. Let's check to see if that's correct though, right?" You asked rhetorically.

Billy and Stu leaned in eagerly, excited to see what you'd do. You trailed your hands sensually all over Casey's chest. Her eyes were wide, and her breaths were quick. You found her stab wound, on her left shoulder. "Ooh, a stab wound! Possible contributor to death? Let's see!" You exclaimed cheerily.

You leaned over the wound, examining it. "Hm... looks like it's from a hunting knife, correct?" You asked, looking at Billy. The brunette pulled out his hunting knife obediently. "Ah-ha! I was correct! Now how deep does this wound really go?" You asked.

You grabbed Casey's shoulder firmly, before sticking your gloved fingers in the wound. She let out a silent shriek, tears streaming down her face. You smiled sadistically, pulling your fingers out of the wound. You prodded it aggressively, raspy squeaks escaping from the girl's mouth.

You looked at the bruises on her neck, tracing over them gently, before squeezing harshly. She wheezed, breath dying in her throat, her pinned hands grasping under you at nothing. You shook your head, frowning disappointedly. "Looks like she was also strangled! These bruises on her neck clearly show it, and the white spots that appear in the eye," you stated, nodding.

"Now for the main event! We have to look at her insides!" You grabbed the hunting knife in two hands, raising it above your head. Casey's eyes widened, and she frantically writhed under you, desperately trying to get away. "Aw, poor baby. Like that's gonna work!" You giggled, before sliding back so you were sitting on her upper thighs instead of hips.

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