Scream 1996 HCs: you're on your period

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Watnings: swearing, blood, periods, mentions of period sex  (it's not my fault Billy & Stu are horny fucks with blood kinks)

the most caring person ever I swear
you need anything?? She will bring it to you
she has a million products and lets you use anything and everything you want/need
makes Dewey go out and buy you stuff
Takes you out to get ice cream
spoils you with affection
constantly checking on you
"what's wrong babe? You need anything?"
"im good rn love thank you though"
will do whatever you want
Having to go grocery shopping together to buy a shit ton of junk food since Dewey refuses to get that for y'all 🙄
she just wants you to not be miserable
has all the brands of products you use at her house if you two use different brands
y'all just do a lotta cuddling and chilling
sleepovers so she can be there for you
shes your emotional support Tatum
y'all do pretty much the same thing when she's on hers
10/10 caring & supportive gf

Feels so bad for you
she hates her period lol
so many cuddles
heating padssss
worries about you all day like literally
constantly checking in on you
gives you a bunch of food
Gives dirty looks to anyone who annoys you
she acts like your personal bodyguard
no one dares to mess w you while Sid's near
has a full on like first-aid kit for you with all kinds of stuff in it
heating pack/water bottles, chocolate, advil, pads, tampons, and anything else you use often on your period
she has that shit on standby
its like period supply speed dial lol
she just likes being prepared cuz of her anxiety, it makes her feel better
10/10 to have around during it

deadass buys you so much stuff
a lot of it is unnecessary and random too lol
"Stu, why'd you buy me a bunch of like bodycare items?? I don't need all these scrubs and washes and shit??"
"Idk, I just grabbed it"
all over you
Serves as your personal heater
skips school to 'make sure you're okay'
he really does wanna make sure you're okay! Missing school is just a lucky bonus unfortunate consequence!
also wants period sex
he is. A slut. And he embraces it. And you can't stop him unfortunately
"please please please please!!!!" "For gods sake stu" "I'll do whatever you want, I'll make you feel good just please!!!!! "I'm going to be b l e e d i n g" "I know! It's hot!"
draws you a bath with all the random fancy shit he bought earlier
overall a good bf during it tho slightly obnoxious occasionally but that's just him

makes sure you're fine
does a bunch of shit to take care of you
then jumps the "can we still have sex tho"
you point out you're on your period
he points out he knows
you point out you're bleeding down there and it would be messy and bloody
he says he knows, that's the whole point
watching so many horror movies together
would shower with you and clean you up
he would try to have sex before that tho 😔
he makes you food
can surprisingly cook decently well
you were shocked
he was offended (jokingly tho ofc lol)
"Are you being sexist rn? Is it cuz I'm a man? You just assume I can't cook huh?"
and he's just smirking and laughing the whole time
y'all would bake together tho if you have weird cravings (I get cravings on mine lol)
he is a good bf during it, even tho he does like the blood (he just likes blood in general)

ok so he is a simp fr he's more on his knees for you than usual somehow
Makes a lot of hot chocolate
which is actually great and you love it
you asked him why he did that
turns out his mom would make him make that for her on her 'ladies days'
movies movies movies naturally
gets ALL your favorites and any he thinks you might like
makes people return those ones even if they aren't due 💀
he'd even watch comedies and even romances (!!!!) with you, not just horror
he loves you fr if he'll do that man
makes you laugh sm
It definitely makes you feel better
he's good at distracting you from the pain
very helpful
calms you during mood swings (not annoying abt it tho like not condescending)
damn I wish he was my bf here rn I could use this 😭 10/10

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