TR/SM: Two Against One, Three Against the World ❤️‍🔥 (f reader)

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"Heyyyyy girllll!" Tatum declared, grinning. The blonde walked up to you confidently. "You wanna come chill with me and Stu today? We can all hangout at his house and watch movies or do stupid shit or something!" She grinned at the thought. "Whaddya think?"

You thought for a second. "Uh... hells yeah! Should I like change first or anything though...? I mean this outfits pretty slutty, and I'm wearing like a ton of makeup today too-" you questioned, gesturing down at your outfit.

You were wearing a strappy v-neck crop top and a very tight and short mini skirt. Most of your legs were exposed and your midriff, cleavage, and arms were as well. You'd put it all on today because you felt like the shit, hot as fuck even without makeup but with a little bit? You were a fuckin movie star.

Tatum laughed. "No way! You look hot as fuck today, don't ruin that! I might get a bit jealous though if Stu gives you too much attention!" You laughed, Stu and you were just friends, like you and Tatum but different of course. "You ready then? We got a shit ton of chilling and cuddling to do! That couch is singing my naaaaaAaAAAmeeeee," she sung off-key, laughing.

She grabbed your hand and pulled you along, the two of you walking to her red bug, drawing whistles and cat calls from boys as you walked past. Tatum just blew kisses and winked, tossing her hair at the attention. You followed her actions similarly, tossing your hair, smirking, and waving flirtily. After all, you were single and you didn't have nothin to lose.

Tate hopped in the drivers seat and you in the passenger seat, and as soon as the two of you were ready, she hit the gas. You loved Tatum, but she wasn't known for being... the most responsible driver, you could say. "Hope we don't get pulled over for speeding!" Tatum laughed.

"Oh my god, Tatum!" You yelled, and started laughing. And so the two of you drove on your way, spilling the tea on the drive.

"God, why is house house so frickin far away!" Tatum declared in annoyance. "Stupid effing rich parents." You laughed, but it was true. "Alright girly, we're almost there! You wanna fix your makeup or anything, to be all ready for his eyes to be all over you when we get there?" She suggested.

You hesitated. "I mean, sure if you don't mind. He's your boyfriend after all."

"'course I won't mind babes! I'm confident in myself, you get ready and look as good as you can! You look hot as FUCK today so go in, make yourself look as good as possible!"

Tatum was such a cheerleader, you just couldn't help but feel good about yourself when she's around. Grinning, you comply, fixing your eyeliner and mascara and applying a fresh coat of lip gloss. "Good?" You asked, turning towards her for her approval.

"Yes babe! Smokin' hot! That lipgloss looks so good on you! Stu's gonna be frothing at the mouth! Let's go get our man's!" She cheered, parking then pulling you out of the car and running up to the front door before letting herself in. "Stuuuuu! We're hereeee!!!" She yelled, before pulling you into the couch. "Ugh, he must still be in the shower," she sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'll go make us all some sandwiches though, kay? Yell when he gets down!" She chirped, before heading off to the kitchen.

"Yup!" You called back, turning on the TV. Some stupid horror movie was on, naturally. You sat waiting, trying to figure out what movie it was. The killer was creeping up on the main girl when all of a sudden he- "AH!" You shrieked, jumping as a pair of hands grabbed your shoulders roughly. Raucous laughter sounded behind you, and you calmed down realizing it was just Stu.

"Oh my- you shoulda seen- hahaha!" He wheezed, bent over absolutely cackling.

"It wasn't even that funny, Stu!" you yelled, but you were smiling too. You rubbed your thighs together nervously, the jumpscare turned you on just in the slightest bit. He stuck his tongue out at you obscenely, grinning. You rolled your eyes and swiped at him, but he just stood up, dodging your hit. He then proceeded to jump the couch and pull you smoothly into his lap.

"Soooo babe, what's the haps?" He asked cheerily. "Where's Tate? Is she getting beer?"

You shifted uncomfortably on his lap. It was an awkward position you were in right now, straddling his thigh and sitting on his lap when you weren't his girlfriend. Plus, you were worried you'd gotten wet from arousal and it was now seeping into his jeans and he'd be able to feel it, because god only knows how embarrassing that would be! But oh, fuck, the rough texture of his jeans through your skimpy underwear when you shifted? That felt really good. Now you were only getting more turned on.

Then again, it wasn't really your fault! You'd been pent up for a while, not having time to be able to pleasure yourself and have a good orgasm, practically since your last boyfriend. So lately, the littlest things had been turning you on and it was not helpful.

"Uh, Tate's in the kitchen making sandwiches for all of us," you finally says, after what you were sure was a long pause. He nodded thoughtfully, not really paying attention to you anymore, but watching the movie. You turned to see what was going on, and he shifted his leg ever so slightly. But the friction that caused was absolutely perfect. You almost moaned at how good it felt. God, you felt like you were being so needy! Practically getting off on your best friends boyfriends jeans through your panties?! 'Pathetic,' you thought, 'pathetic pathetic, pathetic.'

"What's wrong, sweetheart? You're frowning, but we're not even doing anything," he stated.

You realized you had been frowning. "Oh, uh, just thinking I guess. Had a lot on my mind recently," you muttered.

"hm..." he said thoughtfully, tapping his chin with his finger. "Does it have anything to do with... how absolutely soaked you are right now? I can fuckin' feel it through my jeans, babe."

Your eyes widened, and your eyebrows shot up. Oh fuck, you were doomed. "Uh...I uh- uhm! Fuck-" you tried to say, trying to think of any reasonable explanation that wouldn't make you sound like an absolute fucking perv.

He turned your face towards his, smirking. "It's okay, I know I usually have that effect on women. So what was it? The jumpscare? Or my jeans, or being pent up, or being on my lap, or what? C'mon baby, tell me. If you're gonna get off on me, I at least get the rights to know what's getting you off," he added.

You bit your lip. "...kinda all of it," you admitted. His smirk only got wider.

"Oh really? Hm... so do you like it when I do... this?" He shifted his leg under you, rubbing against you. A soft sigh escaped your lips, barely able to be held back. He laughed. "Well, we gotta solve this issue now, don't we? You gotta put in some of the work to you now. Go on. Get off on my leg, grind on my thigh like you really mean it," he demanded, eyes dark.

you but your lip, slowly moving your hips back and forth, dragging yourself slowly across his jeans, the texture and friction felt like heaven on your needy cunt. You let out a soft moan, unable to control yourself. There was something degrading and powerful about getting off like this- the fact that you were getting off to this, and the fact that he was letting you use him like this.

"There you go, baby, keep going. I know you can do it," he stated, slipping his hands down to your hips and slightly guiding you. You threw your arms around his neck, burying your head in his shoulder and letting out a moan as you ground down on him.

Suddenly, lithe fingers wrapped around you from behind, grabbing your tits gently. You let out a gasp of shock, unprepared for that before Tatum's sugary sweet voice whispered in your ear "keep going, love. Don't want you to stop now. I know you've been so pent up after your last break up. Go on, let it all out. Make a mess baby."

You let out a strangled moan at her words as Stu started bouncing his leg slightly, and began moving your hips faster. You felt yourself drawing near to your orgasm embarrassingly fast. Tatum's sweet words and massaging, gentle touches and Stu's quick, harsh movements were like sugar and spice, and went perfectly together.

"Oh god- gonna- gonna-" you cried out.

"Go on, come for us darling." They said at the exact same time. Your orgasm crashed over you, your legs shaking slightly, collapsing into Stu's shoulder, moans spilling from your lips.

"That felt good, didn't it?" Tatum cooed softly, helping you up. Stu stood up after you, and you definitely had made a mess, there was a very prominent wet spot over the right leg of his jeans, covering most of his thigh. The only thing that came close to being as prominent would be the boner he was sporting.

"Let's continue this upstairs, hm?"

Maybe part 2? Wanted to post this for y'all tho (I loved it it was so fun I legit write it in a frickin day lol so I'll prolly do a part 2)

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