BL/SM:Silent Treatment/Play Fighting HCs

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Billy & Stu x reader Headcanons: Giving them the silent treatment
oh honey
if you think they're going to accept the silent treatment from you (or anyone?)
they won't
Billy will try to get you to talk to them maybe for the first day ish
but after that?
he's giving you the silent treatment right back
Stu is so obnoxious and so insistent that it's gonna be pretty damn hard for you to give him the silent treatment
He HATES HATES HATES the silent treatment like with all of his being
he cannot stand silence
and now he has to put up with you and Billy giving each other the silent treatment??
it frustrates him so so so much
like he wants to cry
or scream
or kill someone
speaking of killing, Billy's DEFINITELY taking out some anger on the locals during this if it's for an extended period of time
This stresses both of them out a lot
its way more visibly stressful to Stu
though it freaks Billy tf out too
but he's also a stubborn asshole so he's not going to let you win and ask why and beg you for your forgiveness
Dont worry, because Stu will! And he'll drag Billy along with him!
if you continue to refuse, oh lord
Stu will do almost anything
he'll literally beg you for hours if that's what it takes
it does work cuz you'll get annoyed and finally spill what happened
Once they figured out why, they'd stop or not do it again if it was something they did, not say what they'd said, etc. you get what I'm tryna say here lol
You're going to be so smothered once you stop giving them the silent treatment lmao
like Stu is going to be ALL OVER YOU
And Billy will be too but in his own way
you also gotta kinda be all over them too tho
like you do have to show that you missed them as well
they will accept your apology in words only if you apologize in affection as well

Billy & Stu x reader Headcanons: Play fighting/wrestling
honestly they do it all the time
they love doing stupid shit like that lol
but they won't do it with you for a while into the relationship just because of their *cough* violent tendencies, so to speak
they know they can get really rough and aggressive during play fighting and it's kinda hard for them to snap out of that mindset, and they don't wanna hurt you
(especially because fear def turns them on)
but pillow fights? Ohhhh my godddd they're actually soooooo fun
prepare to get whakt tho
Billy is also not going to lose. Ever.
He will play dirty because he cannot win
even if it is just pretend, he's like wayyyy too stubborn for it
sometimes if he's feeling soft he'll let you win
they also do gotta keep each other in check tho too
so one will usually be on your side to kinda make sure themself and the other one isn't getting too out of hand yk?
but after pillow fights especially there's almost always a blanket fort involved
which is the best I'm telling you rn

Hope y'all enjoyed! <3

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