BL/SM Nobody Knows Why: plus size! Gn Reader 💜

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Summary: when you feel a bit insecure and start avoiding your two boyfriends, they get suspicious and confront you. Comfort and confidence ensue.
Warnings: struggled with body imagery, reader is insecure, Stu makes an inappropriate comment towards the end
Length: .8k

You had managed to pull the two hottest guys in your grade, maybe even the whole school! and nobody knew just how you did it- Stu and Billy didn't even know either, they were just so enchanted with you. But here was the thing- they did know, they just hadn't told you.

But the thing was- you didn't see a reason for them to love you? You had some weight on you, yes, but whatever... Except sometimes you couldn't help but feel insecure. Didn't they know they deserved someone better?! Surely they knew that...

So you started avoiding them. And yet again, nobody knew why. You thought you were helping them, helping yourself. They deserved someone better... and this way would hurt everyone a little less. But they started trying to be around you even more since you had been dodging them, and now you had to put in conscious effort to avoid them- but in doing that, you also made it pretty damn clear to them that you were avoiding them.

They were confused, like any normal human being. So Stu, being the idiot he was, decided to confront you. "So, babe, what's up with all the avoiding huh?" He says, sneaking up behind you. "Sh-shit, Stu! You scared me!" You frowned. He exchanged a quick glance with Billy. You didn't notice, since you were looking ashamedly down at your shoes. "What's wrong? Clearly something, don't even try to deny it," Billy added. They both looked at you expectantly. You kept looking at your shoes.

"Fine! I just feel like... you guys deserve someone better. Like Tatum and Sidney are so pretty and you guys were like perfect couples... im not as perfect," you sighed. "It's stupid I know but-"

"What?! No- no, no, no," Billy cut you off quickly. "In the least offensive way darling, that's completely wrong."

Stu snorted. "We were not perfect couples hon. Tate and I were literally just fucking and being half possessive about it and Sid and Billy fought all the damn time."

"Wait what?!" You exclaimed. They nodded, confirming. "Oh..." you trailed off.

"We don't fight, and we haven't even had sex," Billy pointed out. "Yeah, you are perfect for us way more than them. We love you," Stu added.

You paused momentarily, realizing they were right. You'd not fought with them, or had sex with them. Now that you thought about it... "we're the ones with the perfect relationship!" You realized, gasping.

Billy chuckled at your realization and Stu grinned widely. "See, baby! You're perfect! And we know exactly why we love you, because we do. You're amazing, don't you forget it!" He winked, grabbing your waist and pulling you in towards him. You flushed and giggled lightly at his actions.

Billy nodded, a light smile on his face, but his voice serious. "Stu's right, we wouldn't trade this- or you- for anything in the world. We don't love some other, flat, skinny person. We love you, and that's never going to change. OK? Besides, being... heavier, it doesn't stop you from being amazing, you can still be smart and kind and hot," He added, grabbing your shoulder gently, and looking into your eyes. You nodded, smiling gently.

"Thank you... I just- I just have been feeling pretty insecure lately, and I guess that all wasn't helping. I love you two, and this is part of the reason why," you admitted bashfully.

"Hey, if you're ever feeling insecure, we're always here for you," Billy said seriously, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead gently.

"Yeah babe... we can prove just how much we love you," Stu winked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Your eyes widened, and you slapped his arm gently, Billy giving him a dirty look. "I'm just sayin'! Not like any of us would actually be complaining, I mean, c'mon!" The tall blonde protested, receiving more gentle hits and dirty looks.

The bell rung loudly, shaking you all back into the real world. "Shit, that's the warning bell. Let's go dear, off to class," Billy grabbed your hand gently, holding it in his colder one, Stu grabbing your other hand in his warm one, swinging your arms together as the three of you walked down to class, the perfect couple.

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