BL/SM: Carrie (f) 💙

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Summary: Mrs. Loomis is back in town, and her reappearance makes yours and Stu's relationship with Billy take a turn for the worst
warnings: toxic mother-son relationship, toxic relationship, mrs. Loomis doesn't like reader, Billy's mom manipulates him, mrs. Loomis hurts stu and reader verbally, stu and reader kinda kick billy out of the relationship, billy stands u and stu up a couple of times
Length: 2k

You and Stu were hanging out at your place, waiting on Billy. The three of you were supposed to be having a board-game and video-game night date tonight then you'd all sleep over. It was your brilliant idea, the boys loved it! Stu was especially enthusiastic with his love for video games. But instead, the two of you were cuddling on the couch, watching Carrie.

You loved Carrie, simply adored Carrie herself and the movie. You always felt bad for her when her mom was so mean, you thought she deserved better. It was currently 7:00, you were all supposed to meet up at 5:00 to order pizza. But Billy hadn't showed up. The thought made your insides twist painfully, and you burrowed deeper into Stu's arms.

"I miss him too, baby," he murmured, resting his head on top of yours. It was like he practically read your mind. The pizza was cold on the countertop, and there were still no signs of Billy. "You wanna try to call him again, see if he'll pick up this time?" You nodded.

You'd already tried to contact Billy three times but it'd gone to answering machine every time after what felt like hours of waiting while it rang. You stood up carefully and stretched, letting your boyfriend get up behind you. Then your legs gave out and you were in the air! "Eee!" You squealed, before realizing Stu just decided to carry you bridesmaid style to the 3 feet distance to the landline. He laughed and you smacked him gently. "Stuuuuu, the phones right there! I can walk!" You complained, though you were laughing too.

He smirked at you, "I can carry my Princess though if I want to!" You rolled your eyes at him and giggled. "Here, you call and then we can both hear it if I just keep you here," he decided. You sighed and smiled, before it faded quickly when you put in the number and held it up to Stu's and yours ears. It rang once...twice...thrice... then.... "Hello? Who is this?" A voice asked. You and Stu silently cheered before you both realized it was a female voice that had spoken. Stu quickly put you down, frowning, and grabbed the phone. "Who is THIS? I'm Billy's boyfriend and his girlfriend is with me too, so who are you."

the woman on the other line let out a huff of disdain. "Im his mother. What do you mean you're his boyfriend? And a girlfriend? My sweet boy hasn't mentioned anything of that to me. Good night, and good riddance!" She exclaimed before hanging up.

you and Stu looked at each other and blinked. Billy's mom came back?!


The next day at school, Billy wasn't there. Sidney, Tatum, and Randy all had no idea about what had happened. You and Stu decided to keep it quiet. You had to threaten Stu just a bit to get him to not talk, but in the end he promised not to say anything.

The two of you decided you would meet Billy's mom for the first time. You left a voice message on the answer phone, and told Billy when he was finally back in school. He seemed... different somehow. You couldn't quite put a finger on it, but he was off. You had mentioned that offhandedly to Stu, who actually agreed. "Wait. You noticed he's been off?" "Uh, yeah I did. It's pretty obvious, his mom is like... changing him i guess," had been his response. "Maybe for the better...?" You asked hopefully, though you already knew the answer. Stu shook his head, eyes darkening. "No, I don't think so. Even so, we liked him when he was fucked up anyway."

You laughed at that. "Eh, true. If he gets a bad haircut next I'll scream. Maybe he'll stop wearing only white tee shirts and jeans though!"

Stu snorted. "He really does need better fashion taste. I've TRIED to help him but no! White tees and jeans for good ol' Billy boy!" He huffed dramatically. You giggled.

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