R. B. Favorite Actress 🧡

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You walked up the stairs of the building Roman's office was in, high heels clicking on the gray tile. You paused at the door, before knocking. "Come in!" An exasperated voice yelled. You entered the room, greeted with a rush of cool air on your face. Roman turned to face you, clearly about to yell, before his face relaxed and he smiled at you. "Ahh, yes, my favorite actress! How are you today?"

"Uh, hi Roman, I'm good. I was hoping to discuss our script... there's a bunch of kissing in it and I wasn't really sure if I have the talent for doing it. I've done mostly slashers not really romance," you laugh nervously.

Roman nodded in understanding. "I see... well, have you kissed people before?"

"I mean yeah, but not on camera with people I don't know that well?" You muttered.

"Well, you probably just need some practice! You've just got to practice kissing in front of a camera, easy," he shrugged, clearly unbothered.

You hesitated. "I...guess? But like, who'd I even practice with?"

Roman thought for a second, before a smirk slowly crept across his features. "Well, there's always me," he suggested. You bit your lip, unsure. "C'mon, we both clearly like each other! You know I want you, just admit you want me!"

"I uhm, Roman, I'm not sure about this..." you murmured.

"Hey, it'll be fine. Do you like me?"

"Yeah, I do..." you confessed quietly.

"Perfect! Now we just... kiss," he murmurs, leaning in slowly, guiding you with his hand towards him. You lean in as well, eyelids fluttering shut as you finally kissed him.

He was a good kisser, very passionate and sweet. You could only hope the experience with who you'd be actually doing it with would be similar. Slowly, you pulled away when you felt yourself begin to run out of breath.

"See! Not so bad right?" He grinned at you.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It won't be that bad..." you murmured, still unsure.

"Here, we could try again, if you want," he offered.

You hesitated. You didn't think you really needed the practice, but you were willing to kiss him again. You slowly leaned in, pressing your lips against his. He kissed back eagerly, before pulling apart. A whine almost escaped your lips at the lack of contact, but you managed to contain yourself.

"Hey, you gotta have some passion. I know for a fact that there's a spicy kissing scene in there, so you gotta be able to do that too!" He declared, smirking at you. "Hey, I'm just helping you be prepared for everything."

You sucked in a deep breath. "Okay, I'll take it from the top. Just go along with it, alright?" You asked him before spinning on your heels and walking towards the door. "Just... pretend you're working!" You left the room, quietly laughing to yourself. At this point, you were just making stuff up, but who cares?

You slowly opened the door and walked in confidently. "Hello? Boss, i... needed to see you. I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, but... I can't help myself. I'm in love with you!" You exclaimed dramatically.

Roman stood up from his desk and sighed. He placed his hands on his desk, and developed a frustrated air. "It is wrong... everyone will just assume your rise to stardom was because of me... but you're simply too irresistible," he muttered.

You sashayed slowly around his desk, until you were right in front of him as he turned to face you. Slowly, tentatively, you placed your arms around your neck, and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

He kissed you back, placing his hands on your waist and bringing your body closer to his. You threaded your fingers through his hair, pulling gently, causing a moan to escape his lips. You took that as an opportunity to slip your tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss.

Then, he broke the kiss and turned you around before pushing you back onto his desk. Seductively, you let your legs spread, your pencil skirt bunching up around your waist. He smirked at the sight, coming to stand in between your legs and reaching forward to undo your blouse buttons, letting it fall open like a coat. Slowly, you shrugged it off your shoulders, exposing your bra and stomach. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling the two of you closer.

"Are we gonna... continue the scene?" You ask, a sultry tone creeping into your voice.

"Or we could just do it... doesn't have to be acting," Roman suggested hopefully. You smirk and nod, leaning in to kiss him again. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go on, fuck me," you grinned.

"Oh, darling, I plan to."

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