S. P. The Crépery 💖

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Warnings: mild French slander as a joke, a bunch of cute fluffy nonsense
Length: .5k

"Omg this place is so cute!" Sidney squeals excitedly. You squeeze her arm gently, excited. The place was so adorable, and very aesthetic. "What are you gonna get?" She asked curiously. "Oooh! Look at the drinks!" She added. There was a tall vending machine with multiple rows of drinks.

Your eyes were immediately drawn to the glass bottle of sparkling fruit juice. You scanned the rows before cheering and snatching your favorite. "I'm gonna get this, it's so good!!"

She examined it curiously, her head tilted. "I think I'll get that too!" She reached in to grab another. "I've never had any of this fruit before actually..."

"Sidney, what?! Oh my god! We've got to get some later! What crepes are you thinking? There's Nutella, pb n j, ooh, there's strawberry cheesecake, ooh and a caprese one too!" You proclaimed.
Sidney pointed at the sigh by the door. "There's a seasonal key lime pie one too! Which one are you gonna get?"

"I think I'll get my favorite," you grin and point at your favorite meal crepe and favorite dessert crepe from the many options. "Let's try the key lime one too, why not right?" She suggested and you nodded. "I'll get what you get too, cuz I've never had crépes before," she admits.

"What! Actually? So much for you being French!" You tease, laughing.

She thought about it for a second. "You know what, I think I am actually French! I'm from like everywhere in Europe soo... oh I'm Swedish too!" She adds.

You gasp dramatically, pretending to be offended. "But Sidnay! Zou muhst wui wui bonjhore! Bagwette, Effel towhér!" You accused in a horrendous French accent.

She burst into giggles, and you did too, after striking a haughty french pose.

"Ahem! Are you going to order or behave like hooligans?!" The lady at the counter- who you noticed had a very strong French accent- yelled at the two of you. Both of you burst into another giggle fit. "Out! Out! Get out of my store! You disrespect me, disrespect my culture, you don't get my food! Out!" She came out from around the corner with a broom and waddled towards you.

"Eek!" Sidney shrieked and the two of you ran towards the door giggling. You threw the door open and raced out. The two of you immediately collapsed on the sidewalk, dying of laughter.

"So much for those crepes," you wheezed out. "Oh well, that was so worth it!" She finally got up, before extending a hand to pull you up too. You grabbed your hand and heaved yourself up. She quickly placed a kiss on your cheek. "C'mon, let's go get lunch somewhere else." The two of you walk off into the streets, laughing and searching for a new place to eat. Even though you got kicked out of the crépery, it was so worth it to make memories with your girlfriend.

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