MMM/AK: Screaming, Stab, & Everything Scary 💖

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The three of you were curled up in a bundle on the couch, huddling together under one big, fluffy blanket. The heating was out in Mindy and Anika's apartment, and Quinn was having a ~friend~ over in your apartment & the Carpenters were gone at a party. So you decided what better way to spend the night, rather than alone and listening to the moans of Quinn and her new boytoy, than with your two adorable girlfriends!

The blonde girl began spitting up blood as her friend stabbed her in the stomach. Mindy cackled, and Anika cringed. "It's a bit much, isn't it? The creators seem to be pretty full of themselves starting the movie like that," she muttered.

"It's all part of the funnn, Nika! Loosen up a bit, none of it's real! Look at that blood, it doesn't really look like that," your other girlfriend comforted her. Anika gave Mindy a look that clearly said 'I do not care at all.' You giggled at the two of them.

"Why are we watching all of the Stabs in order again, Mindy?" You questioned.

Mindy shrugged. "Why the hell not, right? We don't have anything better to do."

Anika looked over at the curly-haired girl with a faint smile on her face, and rolled her eyes affectionately at Mindy's antics.

You smushed in closer to the two women. "I love you both so much," you murmured softly, leaning your head on Mindy's shoulder and wrapping an arm around Anika to pull her closer.

Anika buried into your side. "Love you both too," she sighed contently.

Mindy smiled happily. "I love you both too," she added.

You all treasured this moment of just soft happiness, holding each other tight. And none of you would trade it for the world.

Scream OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora