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"hanbin..." a tear escaped zhang hao's glistening eyes.

kuanjui stepped closer to zhang hao who was crying while holding on to his phone, his hands were shaking, unable to reply to hanbin. the white-haired slowly pat zhang hao's back to help him calm down as ricky grabbed a cup of warm water for the brown-haired to drink.

his hand was shaking holding the cup, nearly dropping it but was saved by ricky's fast reflexes. "hao hyung, are you okay?" he double-checked the older, but zhang hao was too dazed, he kept on looking at the text hanbin sent from earlier, making kuanjui more worried.

"they had gone too far with this." ricky said as kuanjui nodded in agreement. suddenly, a loud running footstep was heard coming closer to the front door as someone was banging the door so hard it startled the three of them.

kuanjui signaled ricky to come open the door as he was still occupied with calming zhang hao down. both of them slowly sat on the couch as ricky went near the door to open it, revealing a tall figure with black hair running inside the apartment quickly.

"hanbin hyung-" ricky couldn't finish his sentence as the korean ran towards zhang hao immediately hugging the older.

"h-hao hyung, hao hyung, hao hyung-" he said repeatedly while brushing the back of zhang hao's head gently.

"god, I'm so glad that you're okay- y-you didn't reply to me and left me on read so i was-" hanbin was about to finish his sentence when he felt a slight push on his chest, it was zhang hao slowly pushing him away.

"w-what's the wrong hyung?" hanbin asked with eyes full of worry.

"hanbin..." zhang hao called out, his voice was weak and hanbin could tell that zhang hao was trembling.

"h-hanbin..." he called out again, bursting into tears and falling on hanbin's chest as kuanjui and ricky couldn't help but feel devastated as well.

"hanbin, the news..." kuanjui spoke, but hanbin only nodded.

"i know. hao hyung... I'm sorry... i should've known better..." hanbin apologized, his hands still brushing zhang hao's hair as a sign of care.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this matter... did they say anything bad to you?" zhang hao was worried. he was also surprised that hanbin wasn't worried about his state, it was clear that the hate comments online were all talking about how they were disappointed that hanbin was gay, but the korean asked zhang hao about how he felt anyway.

it shows how much of a good person hanbin is and zhang hao never felt so sad in his life before that the person he cares about is being judged and hated online.

"no, hanbin... it was my fault... i shouldn't have agreed..." zhang hao said as hanbin's heart was hurting to hear that.

"w-what are you saying hyung? i-it wasn't your fault! I was being careless, i should've worn disguises or-" but zhang hao covered hanbin's mouth with his hand.

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