Will There Be More

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It had been two days with the boys. Two days since we'd gotten to Wisconsin. Two days of taking shit from Dean. I was about ready to punch him in the face. Our dads were gone to some crime scene that they'd gotten a call about from my Uncle and their friend, Bobby Singer. We were alone in the motel room, trying not to kill each other. My only reason for not reducing Dean to blood and whimpering was Sam. "So so you have any theories, Amanda?" Sammy and I were doing research while Dean laid around doing nothing. "Vamps? That's my only theory considering what they found on the bodies..." I answered.

"Well I'm going to the strip club. Dad's gonna be gone all night and so is Chuck, so I'm leaving." He grabbed his dad's keys and walked out. Awkward.... "So umm.... Remember what you told me when we were ten?" Sam was not bringing this up now... "Yeah. I told you that I liked you...." I said it quietly as I drew on a piece of paper. An angel with a beautiful sunset behind her. "Have you... Um..." "Thought about or changed any of those feelings? Yes, I have thought about them. No, they haven't changed." I answered, finishing the drawing. He got up and sat on the queen bed beside me, "Is that your mom?" He asked in amazement. I nodded, "Yeah. It's how I remember her before she died. I still think she's out there somewhere watching over us and helping." I smiled at the thought. Sam smiled and bowed his head, "I know a way that we can find out... If the dick will answer." I looked at him and blinked twice, "You seriously have an angel friend that you can call and will come? Is his name Castiel?" I asked, knowing that he would probably say yes. I called him when I needed company and he'd come. My dad had no idea. "Yeah, why?" His head snapped up and looked at me in shock. Those blue eyes.... "I call him when I need company. I've never asked him about my mother or sister, though." He nodded and looked at his hands, "Does he always come when you call?" I nodded with a smile, "Yeah. When my dad would go on hunts and leave me home I'd always have him around to keep me company. All my teen memories are of him.. My dad has no idea, though.." I looked down at my drawing, wishing she was still alive. "Cas, could you come down here? I have-" a small thud told me he was here. "Hello 'lil Raven. What do you need to ask me?" His nickname for me since I first met him. He said that my hair reminded him of a Raven, so I became 'lil Raven. "Is.... Is my mom ok?" I asked shyly. He cocked his head a little and looked between Sam and I, "Yes, she is in Heaven with Anabelle. She talks about you a lot; stories from when you were a child. They are quite interesting." I smiled and got up, giving him a hug. "Thank you." He patted my back. He still didn't understand hugging. I heard sam laugh slightly from behind me. "Why are you thanking me?" I looked up at him, "For keeping me company when I had nobody else. You honestly were the one constant I had as a teen."

He smiled a little, "You're welcome. Hello Sam." He nodded at Sam and Sam waved in response. "Your father does not know I have been helping you?" He asked me. I hesitantly shook my head, "No, he doesn't... I was afraid he would think I'm crazy for suggesting an angel was real. He's still pissed about demons being real." I was shocked when Cas actually came when I prayed to him. I didn't even want to imagine my father's reaction... Cas sighed and nodded, "I understand. You don't want your father acting out of anger towards you. I know how that is to a greater extent." I nodded, knowing that he did.

"I have things to take care of. I must go." He was gone with a sound of wings. "Well, I'm going to bed." I said, beginning to change without thinking. "Whoa! Wait until O turn around at least!" Sam yelled. I laughed, "Sorry... Not used to another male being in the house... Or room.." He smiled in understanding and went into the bathroom while I changed. "You can come out now!" I yelled after I was in bed. He opened the door and I nearly passed out from heart failure. He was in black boxers with nothing else covering his body. "Goodnight Amanda." He said, getting into the bed as far away from me as possible. "Night Sammy.." Was my high-pitches reply before he shut off the lights.


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