The Time Will Come

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***Haha updating from my phone again. Here we go guys! :)***

My dad was appalled at what Cas had said. My cell rang with Sam's number popping up. "Hey. What's up?" I heard hesitant silence on the other end. "Sammy?" I asked cautiously. I heard rustling and then Dean talking, "Mandy, Sam's too afraid to ask why Cas is in your car. So I will. Why is there an Angel in your backseat?" I laughed nervously. "He had information... Stop at the next wayside and I will explain. My dad is still in angry shock. We all need to talk, though, Dean." I heard Dean give a frustrated sigh, "Dad, stop at the next wayside. Mandy needs to talk to us. Okay, there's one in about half a mile." I hung up with Cas sitting quietly in the backseat. "Are you going to be staying while I talk to them?" I asked him slowly. He looked at me and nodded once, "Yes, I am. I do not want a fight to break out when none of this was your fault. You had no clue until I told you." My grip tightened on the wheel as my dad closed his eyes and breathed, trying to calm down.

I pulled in behind the boys at the wayside and parked. "Ready?" Cas asked me. I nodded with a deep breath and got out to meet the boys at the building. "Okay, so Sammy has Demon-Blood in him... But I do to apparently. That's why I don't remember how I got out of the house in one piece. Azazel fed me before I got out. Ask Castiel if you want more answers than that..." I hugged my jean jacket closer into my body, just wanting to disappear. "What the hell is she talking about, Cas?" Dean asked angrily. Castiel stepped forward and places his hands folded in front of him, "Heaven is talking and it's mostly about Amanda and Sam. They have the blood in them and are going to be used in a horrible way. A way that nobody can stop unless Azazel is killed. He started this mess and only he can end it unless you want a bloodbath. Azazel needs to die." Both Sam and I were staring in astonishment at this Angel. He turned from a kind and caring one to a completely business-like ass. No wonder he said most Angels were assholes. "So let me get this straight; what we are trying to kill is a demon? How do we kill it...? Is there a special way to do it?" John asked in desperation. Castiel nodded, "Yes. You need a gun called The Colt. It was made by Samuel Colt in 1867 and was lost a hundred years later. Nobody knows where it is or how it was lost. You would have to go back in time...."

Cas seemed to be thinking about his last statement as he rubbed his chin. "Okay... And how do we do that?" I asked him in a bitchy tone. Cas looked at me sympathetically, "I need to zap you back. But you only have twenty-four hours and I need to pull you back. Otherwise you will be stuck in 1867 for the rest of your lives. Only two of you may go, though. Possibly three." I nodded and looked at Sam and Dean, "Well boys, I guess we have a mission to do." "No! Hell n0. There is no way I am letting you do this." My dad said. I rolled my eyes, "Dad, Sam and Dean will be with me. You can wait with Cas if you're really that concerned." He nodded after a few moments of hesitation.

"We need to prepare then! Let's go gank this son-of-a-bitch." Dean said with a smile and clap of his hands. I scoffed and nodded. "Yeah. Let's do this. Sammy?" I asked the puppy-dog-eyed man standing in front of me. "Yeah. I guess if it's the only way we'll have to go." I smiled and hugged him, "It'll be ok." I looked up at him and he bent down, giving me a kiss. "PDA!!" Dean yelled. I turned around and punched him square in the face. I said if he did it again... He took a couple steps back and touched his eye, "Ow! What the hell was that for?" I shrugged, "I said that if you made another idgit comment that I would punch you in the face." Sam laughed from behind me while the other three just stared in astonishment. "Let's get ready. Oh, and you may want to put some ice on that." I told Dean with a smile.


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