Complications Arise

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 I was screaming the whole ride to the hospital. Once we got there they had Dean fill out paperwork as I was wheeled into a room in a wheelchair. "GET IT OUT!" I yelled as another contraction seemed to rip my stomach. It was not fun being in labor, nor would it ever be. "They'll get it out soon, baby." Dean tried to soothe me. I shook my head and screamed, "NOW!" The doctors got me into the stirrups as fast as they could. "The baby is breech. Are you sure you want to continue with vaginal birth?" I nodded through a contraction and screamed again. 

   The doctor kept saying push every ten seconds. He wasn't budging. "We're going to have to do a cesarean." The doctor said quickly. "I'll get the room set up." The nurse said. Dean threw some water on the doctor and nothing happened. Holy water.... really Dean? "Get. IT. OUUUTT!" I screamed. "Sorry, twitch." Dean said, taking a sip. The doctor waved it off with a smile. I was wheeled on my bed into the operating room and set up really fast. I was still screaming as they cut into me. "PLEASE GET HIM OUT!!" I screamed in pain. I felt them get the baby out, but there was no crying. "Get him to the ICU. Now." The doctor said quickly. I got a glance at my baby boy before he was rushed out of the room. The pain was gone but now I was worried. "What's happening to my baby?" I asked, exhausted. "He had the cord wrapped around his neck and has oxygen loss. He should recover fully." This doctor was just too short for me. I looked at Dean who nodded and threw some more holy water on him. He sizzled. Sam said the incantation for exorcism and all the other nurses looked terrified. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I tried to reassure them. The black smoke came out and went into the vent. All the other nurses clapped at what Sam did and continued with their work. The doctor was passed out on the floor. "And this is why we don't go to hospitals." I told the nurses. "What was that anyway?" A male nurse asked me. "A demon." I said calmly. His eyes went wide and he looked at me in horror. "Those are real?!" I nodded, still laying down. Then it dawned on me, "Dean, go back sure the baby is ok." He nodded and ran out. That's the fastest I'd seen him run in a very long time. "Sammy, call Naomi and tell her that her little brother was just born." He nodded and got onto his cell. "By the way, all those monsters you heard about as a child; yeah. They're all real. More than that as well." The male nurse nodded hesitantly, "After seeing what I just did... I actually believe you. So do you guys kill all these monsters?" I nodded, "Yep. We go all across the US to kill these assholes. Demons are only able to be killed with a demon blade."

   "So that thing... it isn't dead?" I shook my head as they finished sewing me up. "No, it's roaming trying to find a new vessel. We have tattoos that protect us against possession." I pulled down the gown and showed him mine right over my heart, just like the boys. "Cool. I mean, scary... but cool." I smiled at his complete openness to it all. I was wheeled back into my room where Dean was waiting with our baby. "He is totally healthy. No oxygen loss or anything. The nurse was covering his mouth so that he couldn't cry." I smiled and held my arms out for him. Dean handed him to me with a smile. "What should we name him?" I asked. I wanted it to be significant to our lives, but not too creepy of a name. "How about Crowley?" I laughed and shook my head, "The king of hell? I don't think so." He shrugged, "I dunno. How about Charlie?" I nodded, "Charlie. I like it. Charlie Paul Winchester." Dean nodded and smiled like a proud father. This was a new life. A blessing. I think two kids is enough for us though. "I think two kids is plenty for the life we live. Naomi needs to learn to hunt yet. She also needs to go to school. Which means we're going to have to make a fake birthday for her." Dean nodded, "She looks about sixteen. We could have her birthday be June fourth 1997." I nodded, "Okay. Cool. Hopefully there's a bus that picks up kids in a single area so they don't know where we live. We also need a mailbox." "Or a PO box. which is probably what we should get because this place doesn't have an address." I nodded. Charlie yawned in my arms and opened his emerald green eyes. "He has your eyes, Dean." Dean smiled and leaned over to look into them. "He does." Dean looked into my eyes and kissed me. I returned the kiss. Our little family had grown quite a bit in the last year.

*** Hey guys! SO she had her baby! Yayyy!! Second to last chapter here guys. I am so sad to see this story end but also glad that they are a happy family. comment, vote, and enjoY! <3 you guys!***

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