All Is Fair...ies

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***Sorry for not updating in awhile guys. Been going through a lot of stuff. Here is your next chapter. ***

Dean was still skeptical about Crowley wanting to kill Rowena. Was she still alive? Was she dead? She hadn't made an appearance in a few months. We figured she must be dead. Naomi was a whiny teenager who seemed to think the world revolved around her and wanted every single dress we passed on hunts. We decided to keep leaving her with someone every time we went on a hunt. This particular hunt was odd. We didn't know what was killing people. They all  seemed like suicides, but there were too many of them to not rule it out. It was a few hours away in Tacoma Washington, a motel and burgers along with my nine-month pregnant ass. I was very irritated most of the time and bitchy. "Why are we even here, guys. These could all be suicides!" Dean rolled his eyes and Sam sighed in annoyance. We know they aren't suicides, Amanda. They are being killed in so many different ways that it's not possible." Dean said "Yeah. One guy was found in his house with no weapon laying on the ground in a pool of blood. It looked like he was beaten to death with no forced entry, no fingerprints, nothing at all that said anyone had come in." Sam agreed. I nodded and continuted eating my burger that I had in front of me. Seemed as though I was always eating. "Well then let's get on it. What could it be, faries?" Dean's eyes widened and a look of pure horror etched it's way onto his face. "No. If this is a case with fairies, I refuse to do it." I rose an eyebrow in confusion. "What crawled up his ass and died?" I asked Sam. "He got beat up by a fairy a few years ago and is still sore about it." Dean shook his head, "Tiny naked lady. She had nipples, dude! She hit me in the face!" Dean was seriously not going on about this right now. "So... She hit you? You're still sore about that after how many years?" I asked him with a bit of sarcasm in my voice. 

                         "Yes. It's been about six years since that happened." He told me with a sad expression. I nodded slightly and finished my burger. "Well let's find out where these sons of bitches are and gank them!" Dean sighed, "It's not that simple, Mandy." I nodded, "Okay, well then let's find them, get a plan, and then gank them." Sam laughed and walked in the other direction. Dean got up and walked to the other end of the room with his hands on his head. He threw his hands down and turned towards me, "Well then let's do it. We're gonna need Rowena. Oh wait... She's dead." I sighed and nodded at his aggrivated tone. "Well then I guess we'll have to get Crowley involved in this one." I paused for a minute and smirked evilly, "Crowley! Get your sorry ass up here!" I realized he wouldn't come unless I said please so I threw one in there. "Please." He appeared and gave me a dirty glare. "Moose, Squirrel, girl who so rudely calls me." I shrugged, "Feeling bitchy." Was my explanation. He nodded and folded his hands behind his back, "What do you want? I have business to attend to."  I rolled my eyes, "You always have business to attend to. We need your help killing Fairies. Or for you to raise your mother from the dead and have her help us." He looked uneasy as he rocked on his heels. "Well the thing is... She isn't dead. I don't know how but she was gone when I came back. So she is going to be out for blood with you three and I. Personally, I wouldn't want to work with her after all that happened. It's your decision, though. Goodluck if you do decide to work with her because she might screw you over." My anger rose and I jumped out of my chair, putting my hands around Crowley's fat neck. "SHE'S ALIVE?!" I screamed in his face. He was terrified of me right now, trying to get my hands off himself. "Can't.. breathe..." He choked out. I shook him a little, "HOW THE HELL IS SHE STILL ALIVE?! YOU SAID IT WOULD WORK YOU ASS!" Dean and Sam were trying to pull me off of him. "Dammit, Amanda, let go of him!" Dean rose his voice at me and I let go, tears in my eyes. "You yelled at me..." My lip began to quiver as I sat on the bed he and I shared. "Sorry.... You weren't letting go of him." I nodded, a tear slipping down. He put his hands on each side of my face and looked me in the eye. 

    "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you." He kissed the tears away and I hugged him. "I love you." I said in his ear with my eyes closed. "I love you to." Crowley looked disgusted as we pulled back, "Too much love for me. Bye boys. Girl." He snapped his fingers and was gone. "Well how the hell do we find Rowena to get these fairies dead?" Dean shrugged at my question. "All I know is that I hope one of you sees them this time and not me," He responded, "Fairies are evil guys. Why did it have to be fairies?!" He threw his arms down again and sighed. Interesting case this one would be.

***Hey guys. SO sorry for not posting sooner. I had such a writer's block. But I'm back with more ideas! I also have two other books. they aren't supernatural but I would appreciate it if you would read Broken But Free first and then The sequal to it. Comment, vote, and enjoy guys!! <3 You all!***

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