Vixx POV(the way to help leo to confess to eunji)

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Vixx enter the jewel shop..leo want to buy a present for eunji..all vixx members help leo to choose one nice necklace for eunji..after pay,they go to the restaurant for eat..after order,they wait that food..suddenly N said something..

(N  leo:l  ken:k  hongbin:h  ravi:r  hyuk)

N:hyung~(leo)..i think you should tell eunji the truth

Leo:about what?

N:about your feeli~(suddenly hyuk cut his sentence)

Hyuk:about your feeling to eunji noona~..

R:that's right..i think you already watch apink fanmeeting right?they ask eunji to choose between you and lee joon..

H:you should tell her hyung..before it's late..

L:how if she didn't accept my feeling?you know that,i really shy about it.. should try first..i think eunji also like you..

K:mwo??how did you know?

N:yahh!!eunji is my dongsaeng..of course i know..

L:ermm..arasso..i will tell her the truth..

After hear that,all vixx members happy..finally,they really want to see that eunji and leo become a couple..skipp~..they already finish eat..they back to their hotel..inside ravi and leo room,they just play their phone..leo message with eunji..

(leo:l  eunji:e)

L:hi~..what are you doing?


L:mianhae..if i disturb you..

E:it's ok..i'm wait for my turn..apink practice for CUBE concert..


E:june~..but after that,i have to practice..for athlete champion..

L:aaa~..about that,i also enter that competition.. you there^^

L:ok..vixx will back this evening..around 1p.m..

E:aa~..ok..but i will go meet my brother at night..oppa,i have to go now..


E:annyeong oppa~..

Leo have finish message with eunji..he enter toilet for bath..

Ravi short POV:

After leo enter toilet,ravi take leo phone to read leo message with eunji..ravi write a message to eunji.. 'eunji-yaa~..i want to tell you something..i want to meet you this night..after you meet your brother..^^)'..after that,he sent that mesage to eunji..he smile because he follow N plan..suddenly,leo come out from toilet..

Ravi short POV END

(leo:l  ravi:r)

L:what are you doing with my phone?

R:nothing hyung~..

Leo take his phone from ravi..he read his message..after read it,leo shocked..he look at ravi..ravi just smirked..

R:that's N hyung idea..not me~..


After that,they packed all their things for back seoul..after 1hours and half,they arrive at incheon airport..they straight back to their 8.00p.m,all of vixx members go out toveat with apink..after for awhile,they arrive at restaurant..

Apink short POV

C:yahh!!..let's go..we will be late..

E:N said that,his team already arrive at restaurant..

After that,they arrive that restaurant..they see that vixx already wait them..

(leo:l  ravi:r  hyuk  hongbin:h  ken:k  N  eunji:e  chorong:c  bomi:b  naeun:n  namjoo:n  hayoung:hy)


Hyuk:annyeonghaseyo noona~..

After that,apink seat at the same table with vixx..they order food..after that,they chat while waiting for food..

Apink short POV END

Leo can see that,all of vixx members smile and smirked at him..he slowly sigh..but eunji heard it..


L:nae??..i'm okey..don't worry..

E:nae~..(act cutely)

Leo smile after see eunji act cutely..but he try to control it..he said something in his heart 'she really cute..(sigh)how i want to tell her about my feeling to her??will she accept my feeling?i hope so'..after wait for 30minutes,the food arrive..they start to eat..after eat,they chat for awhile..suddenly,all apink members except eunji and all vixx members except leo out from that restaurant..they said that they have to discuss something..after for awhile,they enter back that restaurant..all of them,walk around that places..suddenly N said something

N:yahh!!you(eunji) back with leo ok?

E:wae??i have my members here..

N:eonni,you just back with leo oppa..k?


C:N oppa will buy whatever you long as you back with leo oppa..k?

E:jeongmal oppa?

N:(sigh)arasso2..i will buy whatever you want..but you have to back with leo.


Hyuk:noona~..don't worry..just back with leo,k?

E:arasso2..but i want you(N) buy a cat for me..a cute one..


R:hyung~(N)..that's a small metter..

H:N hyung is really rich..he can buy whatever you want..

K:you can just say whatever you want..N will buy it for you..

E:jeongmal???i want a cat..and also the other things for my cat..hihi^^

N:yahh!!you(eunji)~..seriously?want a cat?

E:(nod)..wae??it really cute..

N:but who want to take care it for busy right?and where you want to put that cat?at apink dorm??

E:oppa~..i already buy a house..and i will stay house near apink dorm..


E:yahh!!you don't know about it?how could you..even other vixx members,btob and b2st know about it..(pouted)

N:yahhh!!!but i really don't know about it..when you buy??

L:she just newly buy it..

E:see??even leo oppa know about it..i don't want to talk with you..(sulk)

N:arasso2..mianhae..oppa will buy a cat for you~..

E:yeahh~..komawo oppa~(act cutely)

All apink members and vixx members just laught..after that,all vixx members except leo and all apink members except eunji walk to leave them..eunji can still heard ken said something

K:leo hyung have something to tell you..hope you don't shocked about it..(smirked at eunji&leo)


(i will continue this story in other chapters..i hope you will like it..please don't forget to comment and vote my story..^^)

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