Leo POV(it's time to tell eunji the truth)

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They walk together for back home..that moments is really awkward..not as usual..leo feel a bit nervous because he want to tell eunji the truth..leo said in his heart 'you can do it..hwaiting!!'..after arrive at something else place,eunji said something

(leo:l eunji:e)

E:eo??oppa~..why we here?aren't we suppose to back home?

L:ermm..eunji-yaa~..i have something to tell you..

E:what is it?(eunji can see that leo become serious)

L:i hope,you didn't shock about it..

Eunji just nod..but leo didn't say anything yet..after for awhile,leo said something..

L:i know that,we just new close..but actually,i already falling in love with you..when vixx just new debut..that time,i'm just afraid..it's maybe because i don't know you yet..but after i get close with you,i already comform that,i really falling in love with..i hope you can give me a chance..

Eunji short POV:

After hear it,eunji just keep quiet..she didn't know what to say..

L:don't worry,i won't force you.just take your time..

After for awhile,eunji said something to leo

E:why you like me?even you just know me,oppa~..

L:because i think you are the one..the woman that i really need in my live(leo watch straight to eunji eyes)

Eunji can feel that,leo is really sincered about his feeling..but eunji afraid to love someone like him..not because his personality..it's because he in a famous group of VIXX..the fans might not like they become a couple..

E:how your fans?i'm afraid they will not like our relationship..

L:it's mean,you accept it?


Eunji short POV END

After hear that,eunji like him,he hug eunji and said something..

L:komawo eunji-ya~..ermm..i habe somthing to give to you..

Leo take out the necklace that he buy at jeju island..he wore it at eunji..

E:wahh~..komawo oppa..i like it..

Leo just smile..he really happy about it..after for awhile,they walk to back to their own dorm..in the way to back to dorm,they bumped with vixx and apink

(hyuk hongbin:h ravi:r leo:l N ken:k chorong:c hayoung:hy naeun:n bomi:b namjoo:nj eunji:e)

Hyuk:wohoo~..finally,leo hyung and eunji noona become a couple..

K:i bet that,they will be a sweet couple ever..

C:that's right..i hope both of you will happy with this relationship...

Eunji short POV END

Apink short POV:

All apinks hug eunji..eunji and leo face become red because they really shy about it..they walk to back to their dorm..skipp..apink already arrive at their dorm..they enter their room for bath and change clothes..after that,they seat at the living room..



B:i hope you can be happy with him..

Hy:if anything happen,eonni(eunji) can tell us..ok?

C:we will always support you..

They make a group hug..after talk for awhile,they enter their room for sleep

Apink short POV END

Leo feel really happy because eunji accept his feeling..from now,he will take care of eunji because he really afraid to loose eunji..he really love eunji..he sent eunji message

L:you didn't sleep yet?

E:not yet oppa~..why?

L:nothing..just~..want to check up you..

E:komawo oppa..




E:nado saranghae..

L:goodnight jagiya~have a nice dream



Suddenly,he heard N yell for calling his..

N:hyung!!come here..we eat some late snack..do you want some?

Leo out from his room for join them..they start eat..N said something..

N:hyung~(leo)..please take care of my dongsaeng?i trust you..(N can see that leo smile at him)

K:congrats..take care of my sister in-law..

Leo chocked after hear what ken just said..he take water to drink

Hyuk:hyung should take care of our(vixx) sister in-law..she really nice to us..

H:taekwoonie..did you kiss eunji??at that time?

One more time,leo chocked his food..it's seem like,he really chocked..all of them panic especially their manager..they help leo to stop him from chocked..

(vixx manager:Vm)

Vm:yahh!!stop teased leo like that..

Vixx(except leo):mianhae hyung~



L:i'm ok..it will be better later..

All vixx members especially their manager feel relieve..

Vm:after finish eat,go to sleep..arasso?


Actually,they(ravi,ken,hyuk,hongbin and N) just want to teased leo..after finish eat,they enter their room for sleep..all of them fall asleep..

(in this title,i put leo POV but actually i put a lots of POV..such as,Apink POV,Eunji POV and Leo POV..i'm so sorry..i didn't have a idea..so maybe i will take some time to post another chapter..i hope you will like it..please don't forget to vote and comment my story..sorry for my bad grammar^^)

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