Eunji housewarming party

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Apink wake up early for go joging..after for 1hours,they rest for awhile..

(Naeun:N Chorong:C Bomi:B Hayoung:H Namjoo:Nj Eunji:E)

H:eonni~..can we rest for awhile?i'm tired

N:it's's really tired..

Nj:aren't we suppose to rest?why we have to joging?

C:it's healthy lifestyle..ok2..we rest for awhile..after that,we back to dorm..

E:eonni~(chorong)..can i go to my house?

B:your new house?


C:of course you can..but for what?

E:for my housewarming party..i need to prepare..

N:eonni~(eunji) didn't tell us about that..

E:i already tell..maybe you forget..(sulk)..i want my present

C:arasso2..we go buy eunji present..arasso?

Apink(except eunji):nae!!

After for awhile,they back to their dorm..eunji prepare for go to her new house..

E:eonni~..i want to go now.. careful..

Hy:we will go later..


Apink(except eunji):annyeong~

Eunji out from Apink dorm..she ride her car to go to her new house..her new is near from Cube ent..after for awhile,she arrive there..she go straight to kitchen..after for awhile,she decided to go to buy something to cook..after for awhile,she arrive there..she quickly buy things,after that,she straight back to her house..after arrive at house,she put the things at the table..she call her brother,N..

(eunji:e N)


E:oppa~..are you busy today?

N:not really busy..wae?

E:can all of vixx members come to my house this night?

N:of course we can go..but for what?

E:this night,i made a housewarming party for my new house..

N:aaa~..arasso..we will go..

E:you know my new address right?don't forget to a present for me..



Vixx POV:

After finish talk with eunji,N told his members about that..

(N ken:k ravi:r hyuk hongbin:h leo:l)

N:yahh!!..tonight we will go to eunji housewarming party

Hyuk:jeongmal?wahhh~..i can see noona new house..

K:what time?who else come to her party?

N:molla~..A-pink of course they come..but others,i don't know

H:wahhh~..A-pink aslo come..hyung~(leo) you can meet eunji~

Leo give hongbin a death glare..but he smile a little..he know that they just teased his..

N:kaja~..we have to buy eunji present..she will sulk with me if me didn't buy her anything

R:hahaha~..that's our sister in-law..

All of them out from their practice room..first place they go is pet shop..all of them look at the cat that have there..leo look at this one cat(colours:orange+white)'s really cute..

L:N..this cat is cute~..

All of them look at that cat..all of them really like that cat..

K:eunji will really like this cat..'s look likes this cat is really expensive..

N ask the seller how much that cat..after that,he pay for that cat..after that,they put that car inside the car..their manager take care of that cat meanwhile they look for another present..skipp~..

(at the night)


Eunji already prepare all things..after that,she wear a's really cute for her..suddenly,she hear door is ringing..she go downstair to open the's A-pink

(chorong:c hayoung:hy bomi:b naeun:n eunji:e namjoo:nj)


All of them hug eunji..after that,they enter eunji new house..they seat living room..eunji serve her members the food she prepare..'s okey..we just eat at kitchen..

All of them seat at the kitchen..suddenly door is ringing..eunji open the's vixx


Eunji hug her brother..after that,she help her brother to take the present..eunji look at N's a cat..

E:wahhh~..kyeopta..'s really cute..annyeonghaseyo Apink ibnida..

Vixx:real V.I.X.X..vixx ibnida..

Eunji also serve vixx the food she prepare..

K:who else come eunji?

E:molla~..but i think,Got7 also come..and also B2st..

Hyuk:wahh..we can meet B2st sunbaenim..

They continue to eat..they chat while eat..suddenly,door is ringing..this time is B2st..

B2st..annyeonghaseyo..B2st ibnida..

Leo just keep his eyes on eunji..he feel that,tonight,eunji really cute and beautiful..he keep smile but try to control it..Apink,B2st and Vixx keep talking..suddenly,-------


(i'm so sorry if this chapter is really short..i will update next chapter about "Got7 at Eunji Apink housewarming party"..please don't forget to vote and comment my story^^)

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