How to settle that rumor problem(Eunji POV)

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The next day,both of them wake up early..after finish dressing,they stay at room for awhile..she message leo to tell about she and hayoung want to go to airport already..

(eunji:e leo:l hayoung:hy)

E:oppa~..are you still sleep?

L:i already wake up..the others in proses to get ready..i will go see you first..ok?


Suddenly,hayoung punch eunji arm playfully..hayoung also smirked at eunji

Hy:eonni~,i think you are fallen in love with leo oppa..

Eunji face become red because she really shy..she didn't know what to said..

Hy:aigoo~..eonni,you are blushing..

E:no..i didn't are~.. win..hayoung-ya~

Hy:eo?wae eonni?

E:mianhae..we supposed to stay here long..but because of my problem,you also have to follow me back

Hy:it's eonni..i didn't mind about's lee joon fault..and i will help you..Apink also want to help you..

E:komawo hayoung-ya~..(hug hayoung)

After that,hayoung hug eunji back..after for awhile,they apart away..but,suddenly they heard someone knock their room door..

Hy:that's must be leo should go talk with him ok?

E:nae~..wait here ok?i will back as soon as possible..annyeong~..


After that,eunji walk with leo to go to somewhere else..after for awhile,they arrive there..suddenly,eunji said something..

(leo:l eunji:E N)

E:oppa~..please take care of N for me..

L:of course i will..eunji-ya~ gwaenchanna?

E:i'm okey..

They continue talk..after 10minutes,they walk to back to hotel..they managed to take picture together before back to hotel back..

Eunji and hayoung put their begs with vixx helps..after that,all of them ride that car to go to airport together..after for awhile,they arrive there..before enter aeroplane,eunji hug her brother

N:take care ok?if anything happen,tell me

E:nae~..we will go now..

Before enter,eunji and hayoung managed to wave to them(vixx)..skipp~..1hours and half,they(eunji&hayoung) arrive at incheon airport..they see chorong and namjoo..


They hug chorong and namjoo..after that,they walk to ride the car..after for awhile,they arrive at their dorm..they put their beg inside their room..eunji managed sent message to her brother..telling her brother about she already arrive at apink dorm..eunji,chorong,hayoung and namjoo eat food..after that,they chat for awhile..

(chorong:c hayoung:hy namjoo:nj eunji:e bomi:b naeun:n)

C:bomi and naeun will back here this night..

E:mianhae..because of my problem,all of you have to back to dorm early..i feel like,i'm the one who disturb your holiday..

C:it's okey

Nj:we didn't mind about it..

Suddenly,their manager come near to them..he ask eunji to follow him to go to CUBE ent..after for awhile,they arrive there..eunji straight go to ceo room..eunji enter after ceo ask him to enter..

(ceo eunji:E)

Ceo:now,how you want settle that rumor?

E:i don't know ceo-nim

Ceo:do you want to tell yoir fans about you and lee joon dating?

E:no..why i should do like that?i didn't love him..and now you want me to tell like that to my fans???

Ceo:(sigh) i will make a's for should tell the truth..ok?

E:ermm..nae ceo-nim..when?

Ceo:tomorrow..i hope you can settle this problem as soon as possible..

E:nae ceo-nim..i will try

After that,eunji walk out from ceo room..she enter music room for awhile..she play piano to release her tension..suddenly,her phone is's from dara..

(dara:d eunji:e)

D:annyeonghaseyo..eunji-ya~..where are you?

E:annyeonghaseyo eonni..i'm at CUBE building..why?

D:are you busy?i want to meet you at cafe near your company..

E:of course i'm not busy..i just back from jeju island..i will go now..annyeong


After that,eunji meet her manager..she tel her manager that,she want to go meet dara..after that,she rush to go to cafe near her company..after for awhile,she arrive there..she see dara..

E:dara eonni~(hug dara)

Dara hug eunji back..after that,they talk about how to settle that problem..

D:do you have a boyfriend?

E:no..i didn't have..but i like someone..


E:ermm..leo vixx(eunji face become red)

D:wohoo~..i hope you can settle this problem..cheondung really want to come here,but~ you know what will happen right?

E:ermm..i know..just said to him that i really want to say thank you to him

D:nae..i will..i have to go now..annyeong


After that,eunji walk to back to apink dorm..after for awhile,she arrive there..after change her clothe,she help her eonni to cook..after that,they eat..after 30minutes,they already finish eat..they chat for awhile..

Ch:tomorrow we will have a fanmeeting and concert..

Apink(except eunji):nae~..


E:nae?what did you just say eonni?


E:i'm okey

N:aigoo~..eonni,you are lying

Nj:just tell us what your problems..maybe we can help you eonni..

C:that's right..

E:ermm..actually,i'm afraid..

Hy:afraid?because of fanmeeting tomorrow?


C:you don't need to be afraid..we will always be with you..

After that,they make hug group..after for awhile,they enter their room for sleep..


(i hope,you will like it..please don't forget to comment and vote..i really need your opinion about my fanfic^^)

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