Vixx at Eunji's Apink House(Vixx POV)

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The Next day,vixx still at eunji house..leo the first person to wake up..he suddenly see a sticker note that have at his phone.. "eunji:oppa..i'm going to cube entertainment..if you hungry,please make breakfast by yourself..i'm sorry,i can't make breakfast for you.."..leo can just smile after read it..suddenly,N come out from eunji's practice room..

(N hyuk hongbin:H ken:K leo:L ravi:R Vixx manager:Vm)

N:eo?you already wake up?did eunji already go to CUBE ENT?

L:yupp..she leave a note..she ask us to make a breakfast by ourselve..

After,leo go to the toilet at N room for bath..after finish,he out from that room..he bumped with ken..

K:mianhae in that toilet have people?


After that,he go to the kitchen to help N making breakfast for the rest of vixx members..ken and hongbin already bath..but ravi and hyuk didn't wake up yet.

H:hyung~(N)..hyuk and ravi didn't wake up yet..

N:mwo??ask them to wake up..

Hongbin and ken go to eunji practice room for wake up ravi&hyuk..after for awhile,both of them(hyuk&ravi) wake up..

Hyuk:wae??i'm still sleepy..can i sleep back?we didn't have any schedule right?

K:manager hyung want to come both of you should wake up and go to bath..

R:why he want to come here??i want to sleep back..

Before both of them(hyuk&ravi) could lie down back,they have been pulled by hongbin and ken.

H:just wake hyung and,ken,leo,N already wake up and bath..but you guy's didn't wake up yet..


Finally both of them(hyuk&ravi) wake up..after that,they sit at kitchen for eat breakfast..

Hyuk:wahh's delicious..who's cook?

N:that's me..haha..just's leo..

Suddenly,they hear the bell ring,N look at camera,after that he go to open the's vixx manager..

Vm:eo??you guys already wake?wow..btw,this food smell good..can i join?

N:of course you can..

R:hyung(Vixx manager) didn't eat yet before come here?

Vm:nope..and i'm starving..

All of them laugh..after for awhile,they already finish eat..they wash their plate..

Vm:your dongsaeng is really beautiful..

N:thank you..i don't how she can buy this house..

Vm:what did you mean?

L:he even don't know that eunji already buy this house for about 1weeks..

Vm:aigoo..your dongsaeng must be sad..

R:of course eunji sad..she even ask N to buy a cat..(hyuk go to take jungie to show jungie to his manager)..

Hyuk:this is jungie..

Leo take jungie..he play with jungie meanwhile his manager take a picture

Vm:wow..jungie is really cute..

Vixx spent their off day at eunji house..althought eunji said that she will back at late night,they still spent time eunji house also have a's realy warm..and good for winter..all of them swim at the pool..they also force their manager to bath in the pool together with them..skipp~..they already prepare to back to their dorm..before leave,N write a note to eunji..he put the sticker note at eunji's room..after that,they leave..


Apink POV:

After finish their job,they gather at their practice room..

(eunji:e naeun:n namjoo:nj hayoung:hy chorong:c bomi:b apink manager:Am)

E:eonni..can all of you sleep at my house?


E:maybe we can discuss something about our new song at my house..i have a mini studio

B:woww..i don't know about that..why you didn't tell us?

E:mianhae..i forget to tell you..

After they discuss with their manager,they go to eunji house for sleep there..after bath,they gather at living room and having some late snack..

Am:don't forget that you(apink) have photoshoot and fanmeeting...


Suddenly eunji's phone is's from lee joon..all of them seem shock..eunji open loudspeaker after have been ask to do like that..

(lee joon:lj eunji:e)


E:eo?lee joon oppa..annyeonghaseyo..(althought she want ask many thing at lee joon,she still speak politely)

Lj:can we meet?i want to discuss something with you?..

E:(she look at her manager)..about what?

Lj:can you just come..i'm will wait at secret shop near apink dorm..

E:(she look at her manager again..her manager give a nod)can we talk tomorrow oppa?i'm tired..i'm just back from CUBE ENT..

Lj:just come please~..

E:(sigh)..arasso..i will..

After that,she end that call..

E:what should i do?suddenly i feel afraid to meet lee joon oppa at this time..

Am:don't worry,we will follow you..

Hy:if anything bad happen,shout loudly..and i will use my taakewondo..

All of them laugh after hear that..

Nj:don't worry,we will always be with you

N:i think eonni(eunji) should tell N or leo about this..

B:eo??that's should tell them..

Eunji call her brother about she will meet lee joon at secret shop near apink dorm..but he want to follow..

E:see..that's why i don't want to tell N..he worried about me..

C:of course he worry about're her dongsaeng..


All of them enter the car..their manager take them to that shop..they stop far a bit from that car..apink can see that N and leo just arrive..

N:eo?why all of you here?(whisper)

Apink(except eunji):we want to spy eunji and lee joon oppa..

(i want to apologize for second time..i'm really that i didn't update at long time..i have a problem to log in wattpad..i will continue this chaper at part 2..thank you for read my story and don't forget to vote my story..)

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