Boss Sprig

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It was a sunny day outside and everyone was outside helping out in the front garden. The two humans and Plantar children were picking weeds out of Hop Pop's vegetable patch. Sprig looked up from his work and saw the cowtipillars grazing on some grass. He suddenly got an idea and rushed over to Hop Pop who was sitting in a chair overlooking them work.

Sprig: Hop Pop, Hop Pop, great idea! What if we trained the cowtipillars to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have t-

Hop Pop: Hup bup bup.

Hop Pop shushed Sprig and gestured towards a wooden barrel.

Hop Pop: Suggestion barrel's over there.

Sprig rushed over to it with a pen and paper in hand and he swallowed the flies that flew over the barrel.

Sprig: Suggestion 89 ...

The others walked over to him to check on him.

Anne: Hey, think he actually reads these?

Polly: Doubt it. I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened.

Sprig: Oh, come on, guys. Have a little more faith in Hop Pop.

Y/N: Yeah! It's not like he's secretly burning all the suggestions whenever you put it in the barrel. See?

Y/N pushed over the barrel and there was a fire pit under it and the barrel had a hole in the bottom which would let the suggestions fall into the fire.

Y/N: I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong.

Polly: Huh? A fire pit? That's the opposite of a swimming pool.

Sprig: Why, Hop Pop? Why?

Hop Pop: Because your suggestions were ridiculous. You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere. It attracts pets. Running a farm ain't easy, kids.

Sprig: Maybe. But if I were in charge, I'd listen to other people's suggestions, not burn them.

Hop Pop: You? Run the farm? Ha! Run it into the ground maybe.

Hop Pop bumped Sprig with his throat and Sprig did the same as they croaked at each other.

Polly: Is that an official challenge?

Sprig gasps and runs over to a bell and hollers as he bashes it with a stick.

Polly: Sprig Plantar, you have rung the Plantar Family Challenge bell! What is your challenge?

Sprig: I want to replace Hop Pop and run the farm my way.

Polly: Hop Pop?

Hop Pop: I do formally accept this challenge.

Anne: I'm sure this will mane sense in a moment.

The scene cuts to Sprig and Hop Pop painting themselves in mud around a giant lilypad with Anne, Polly and Y/N watching.

Anne: Nevermind. What the heck's going on?

Hop Pop: The Plantar Family Challenge.

Sprig: An artful test of skill where the winner takes all!

Polly: They push each other until someone falls off a lily pad. It's dumb but fun to watch.

Y/N: Oh yeah! Some larger insects do that sometimes. I remember the first time Ant and Mantis took me to my first Alpha Challenging.

Y/N had a flashback to the moment. Mantis help Y/N ontop of his head and Ant sat next to them amongst the rows of insects watching the brawl.

Ant: Hey, do you think this'll effect Y/N in any way when he's older?

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now