Start of Season 2 Authors Note

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Well well well (three wells appear in the background), looks like season one of Amphibia has been completed. Thank you all so much for the support you've all given me for the past 33 chapters and I hope we can continue to grow this story together.

Anywho, let's get onto what you all really want. What season 2 episodes will be included in the next chapter:

Handy Anne

Fort in the Road

Quarreller's Pass (Episode rewrite for Y/N's perspective)

Swamp and Sensibility

Wax Museum

Marcy at the Gates (the main reason i erased most of the previous episodes is because i really just want to get us to meet Marcy)

Scavenger Hunt

The Plantars Check In (Episode rewrite for
Y/N's perspective)

Hopping Mall

The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers

A Day at the Aquarium

Night Drivers (Full episode rewrite to Y/N dream perspective)

Return to Wartwood

After the Rain

The First Temple

New Wartwood

Friend or Frobo (Episode rewrite to Y/N's perspective)

The Second Temple

Bessie and MicroAngelo

The Third Temple

The Dinner

Battle of the Bands

True Colours

Thats 23 Amphibia written episodes in total. And below I'll talk about all the self written episodes I will be including and a brief synopsis on what it will include.

Quarreller's Pass
- Y/N and Anne try to strengthen their sorta sibling bond through board games while trying not to argue like Sprig and Polly.

The Date (After 'The Plantars Check In')
- Y/N builds up his courage and asks Marcy out on a date which gets crashed by a few circus friends.

Night Drivers
- Y/N sleeps while Sprig and Polly drives back home and has a strange dream from a supposed ally and learns of a dangerous enemy.

Friend or Frobo
- Y/N and Marcy go on their second date but a robotic someone causes trouble in the town and Y/N tries to keep Marcy safe and distracted from it.

The Fourth Temple (After 'The Dinner')
- Y/N and the others travel to the fourth temple to recharge final stone.

Thats an extra two episodes to add on so the next season should be finished in 25 chapters, depending on if I add any more author notes or if I get any requests for chapters you all would like to be seen made and I will do my best to make them (if they are a good enough idea and fit with the characters).

Anyway I hope you all will stick around to see the next season and I'll see you all soon. (Expect a new chapter soonish)

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now