New Season, New Start

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Y/N and Anne were sitting on the roof together on a bright and sunny spring day.

Anne: All right, Y/N. New season, new possibilities. I'm ready to blossom into my best self.

Y/N: And not just the story season, its also spring!

Anne: You gotta stop breaking the fourth wall, man.

Y/N: Right, right, sorry. So, how're you feeling about that incident with Sasha?

Anne had an unconscious look on her face as she looked into the distance.

Anne: Yep. Totally fine.

Y/N: Alright, if you ever feel un-fine then I'm always open to talk.

Anne: Thanks, sorta-bro.

They sat in silence for a moment untik Hop Pop, Sprig and Polly appeared infront of the house with Bessie attached to a brand new wagon. They slid down the roof to greet them.

Anne: Whoa, Hop Pop. What is this thing?

Hop Pop: Impressive, huh? This here's an all-terrain, custom-modeled family wagon. Calling it the fwagon.

Y/N: Whoa.

Anne: Fwagon? Really?

Hop Pop: Cheap too.

Polly: The previous owners died in it.

Sprig: I can't wait to get haunted!

Anne: So why do we need a new wagon?

Hop Pop: Fwagon.

Anne: Not calling it that.

Hop Pop: Well, with the snow melted and the mountain pass open, we can finally travel outside the valley to Newtopia!

Anne: What's in Newtopia?

Hop Pop: It's the beating heart of Amphibia. A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge, run by the wisest of newts. If anyone can help you get home, it's them!

Y/N: Sounds claustrophobic.

Sprig: So mystical.

Anne: I can't believe it. You mean this could actually be my ticket home? Not only that, but maybe out on the road we'll find Marcy.

Y/N: Marcy?!

🎶 Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight 🎶

His knees wobbled as he fell over backwards dramatically, holding a hand over his forehead.

Polly: If he's dead i get his costumes.

Y/N suddenly got up and straightened himself.

Y/N: My clothes! So much to pack and get ready!

Hop Pop: Haha, you betcha, Y/N. Pack your things, kids. We leave tonight.

All: Whoo-hoo!

Sprig & Polly: We're going to Newtopia!

Hop Pop: Say, Anne, since you don't have a lot to pack, could you give Chad the spare key when he swings by?

Anne: Who's Chad?

Y/N: The local glass artisan. Says "Yup" alot.

Anne: Nope, not ringing a bell. Why does he need a key?

Hop Pop: Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it.

Anne: Wait! What?

Hop Pop: An empty house is vulnerable, Anne. Needs protectin'. Not to mention our crops, the very soul of a farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes. Anyway, here you go.

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now