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Max's POV

I returned from the track at around seven in the evening.It was a great race for the team, I won the race getting our twelfth win in a row breaking McLaren's record and Checo was even up there on the podium having recovering from ninth on the grid to finish third.All in all it was the perfect way to round of the first half of the season.My dear friend Lando was also up on the podium with me and I was genuinely happy for him.McLaren had a really slow car at the start of the season and due to the upgrades they brought in Lando finally had a good car to compete and finished on the podium in consecutive races showing how good of a driver he is.

I was happy that the first half of the season was over even though we won all the races and had a good streak it was mentally exhausting and I couldn't wait for the summer break to come.As I was stuck in my thoughts I suddenly heard my phone ringing with Lando's name on it.

"Hey mate what's up?"I asked wondering why he would be calling me at this time.

"Nothing mate, I was wondering if you have seen my girlfriend? I haven't seen her at all today and I can't find her anywhere."Lando asked back concern lacing his voice.

That's when I realised that neither had I seen my girlfriend all day not even at the track which confused me however I even started to get worried for her.

"No mate, it's weird that you mention it though even I haven't seen my girlfriend all day.It's getting quite late right now I have no idea where they are."I replied back equally concerned right now wondering if anything had happened to them.

"Do you think they may be together?"Lando asked

"I don't know maybe they might, do one thing I'll get ready come to my room quickly we'll search for them together."I replied back while thinking where they might be.

"Ok see you soon mate."Lando replied before hanging up.

Five minutes later I heard someone knocking at my door, I opened it up to reveal Lando who was ready.

"Where do you think they may be Budapest is a big city you know."Lando replied as I thought hard until an idea sprang into my head. "Why don't we search their location using the find my phone app."I replied voicing my idea.

A look of understanding entered Lando's face as we both quickly took out our phones.Within minutes we got their location which confused us both as we looked at out phones together.

"Both of them are at the track?"Lando replied a look of confusion appearing on his voice.

"Yeah that's weird it looks like they are by the pits."I replied back equally confused.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go it's 7:30 they might be waiting for us."Lando replied back before he ran off as I got my car keys.I however had this bad feeling deep down in my gut that something else was going on.

We quickly arrived at the track since it was close to our hotel.Luckily it was still open.Lando and I quickly walked to the pits until we saw the lights in the Williams motor home was still on.We thought some mechanics might still be there after all the car's had to be shifted back to their respective factories since they wouldn't be used for the better part of a whole month as formula 1 shuts down.However, as we got closer to the garage we heard some weird noises coming from it as if someone was whimpering or crying.

I quickly shared a look with Lando as we crept towards the garage hoping to see what was going on, until now we had no sight of our girlfriends however.

The garage door was half open as we ducked underneath it and hid behind the car only to see one of the driver rooms slightly open where the noise was coming from.

"Max it might be an intruder, I have seen both Alex and Logan back at the hotel they can't be in the driver room at this time."Lando whispered.

"Should we confront them then?"I asked whispering back.

Lando seemed to look around for a second until he grabbed two big spanner's and handed one to me. "Let's creep up and then go in head first be prepared to attack if anyone is there."Lando replied.

Both of us wearily crept up to the door as the noises got louder as we suddenly realised what was going on in there.I gave a look to Lando who seeming understood that some people were fucking in the room casting a look of hesitation on his face.Soon enough though he mouthed to me "3,2,1"before he hand signalled me to go in.I nodded back before running in the room Lando following me in close behind.

What we saw gave us the shock of our lives.In front of us were two mechanics probably from Williams fucking our own two girlfriends.The look of betrayal and hurt on our faces was indescribable.I suddenly felt anger coursing through my veins as I shouted out loud.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME TO US."I shouted as Lando stood completely quiet.

"M-Max it isn't what it looks like please believe me."My now ex-girlfriend whimpered out.

"No I've seen enough we were worried about you so we searched your locations to find out you guys are cheating on us we are done have fun with these lame mechanics by tomorrow I want your things gone from my room."I replied angrily, Lando meanwhile was still quiet probably processing the scene in front of him until his sadness became visible.I felt bad for him sure even I had just been cheated on but Lando was still younger than me he was like a brother to me and I couldn't bear to see him like this.

Lando's POV

I couldn't believe my own girlfriend cheated on me, I loved her with all my heart and she does this to me. "How could you do this to me I loved you with all my heart and you go and fuck some mechanic."I replied feeling hurt.

"I was only with you for your money, I never really loved you Lando who can really all you do is act like a kid and be immature I need a man."She replied back ruthlessly.Her words hurt me I was about to reply when Max interrupted me.

"Let's leave Lando they aren't worth our time and money."Max replied before I followed him out still shocked.What's more surprising Max didn't even react that badly which confused me.

"Max you do realise you also got cheated on right mate, how can you be so alright about this."I replied back.Max sighed before speaking up.

"Honestly mate, I suspected this was going on for some time now, I felt the love lost between her and I.She was going out more often and things weren't really the same like they used to be."Max replied as a tear escaped his eye.It was always a rare sight to see him emotional.

"Mate let's just take rest today we will inform the rest of the guys tomorrow.What we need is a vacation to get away from all of this.I am always with you mate I got your back as long as we buddies are with each other we'll be fine."I replied comforting Max deciding to be a bit mature.

"Lando thank you I've got your back at all times too mate and don't listen to your ex's words alright you are fine just the way you are just be yourself mate I know you will make the right decisions whenever you need to.You are mature and one of the bestest friends I could ask for."Max replied back while giving me a small smile as we arrived back to our hotel.

We bid our goodbyes before turning in for the night what a day it had been, yes I was extremely disappointed and sad of the events that transpired today but I'm glad that I was free from this relationship now.Hopefully Max and I can find someone who will actually love us for who we really are.I kept on thinking about the future as sleep overtook me and I drifted off into a slumber.

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