Chapter 3

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This is going to be a repeat of the last chapter but in Max's POV.

Max's POV

I woke up with a start breathing heavily.I could feel the sweat dripping off me as I gasped for air.This was the second nightmare of the week.Yes I may have acted strong and mature in front of everyone else but, the image of my ex kept coming back to me.It made me doubt myself was I good enough?, why did she leave me?, will I ever find someone? These thoughts kept lingering in my head and I decided I needed some fresh air.

I dressed up into a pair of jogger's and wore a plain white shirt before heading out of the hotel.I was immediately met by the cool Liverpool breeze instantly soothing my mind as i took a deep breath.I walked around for a while contemplating my thoughts until I started to feel tired.I looked down at my watch and decided to head back to the hotel seeing as it was nearing one in the morning.

Once I arrived back at the hotel I saw something unexpected.A girl was standing all alone in front of the reception desk and I heard the manager say her booking was cancelled.I instantly felt bad for her and her hair looked wet from the rain earlier in the evening.She had hazel blonde hair and looked extremely beautiful.So, as the manager walked away I went up to her.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation at the front desk.It's quite late at night and I don't suppose you would like to sleep in the hotel lobby.Would you like to sleep in my room?" I asked her politely.I noticed she had brown eyes.I could however, see the hesitation in her face as she had never seen me before which was quite comforting since I see fans everywhere who want a picture or autograph.

"I know this kind of sounds weird but I noticed your hair is wet and you might catch a cold."I replied back honestly concerned for her.

"I guess, thank you so much I don't know what to say."She replied back sending a smile over my face.

"No worries, besides I couldn't let a pretty lady like you just sleep in the lobby now could I what kind of a man would I be then."I replied back laughing trying my best to act casual without looking like a creep.

I then led her to my room and even offered to put her luggage away.I could see from her reaction that she was kind of shocked, probably not expecting a stranger to be so kind and welcome however I could see that she was grateful.

"If you would like I can get you a cup of coffee or tea anything you would like I'm not really feeling sleepy right now so you can freshen up and come in the meantime."I asked her while pointing in the direction of the bathroom.

"Oh thank you that means a lot a coffee is fine thank you if you don't mind."She replied back before entering the bathroom.

"No worries and please there is no need to say thank you."I replied back politely while smiling.

While I was making coffee for the both of us my mind lingered on the girl for some time.She looked stunning and I could tell she was kind at heart.I realised that I had already a huge crush on this girl and I was kind of happy at the same time.She looked so pure and it's like a god sent an angel from heaven.I also noticed she had a similar accent like Kevin Magnussen had another fellow friend and driver so I presumed she might be Danish.Soon after, she came out dressed in a pair of pyjamas which looked cute on her.

"Thank you so much once again for all the help, I didn't catch your name though."She replied taking a seat on the chair next to me.

"I've already told you there is no need to say thank you and the name is Max."I replied back smiling.

"Nice to meet you Max, my name is Emmelie."She replied back at me with a grin on her face.

"That's a beautiful name, are you here to see the contest?"I asked as I saw her blush from the compliment I knew I was falling hard for this girl.

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