Chapter 17

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Max's POV

After a whole month's rest back in Monaco, Lando and I made our way to the airport to fly back to Norway for MGP.Emmelie and Alika had already left for Denmark a few days ago so we were in the clear.Both of us bid our goodbyes to Daniel who promised to bring all the guys to watch our performance if we qualified for Eurovision.

"Well Lando time to fly again you ready to win this thing."I asked him as we sat in my jet.

"Definitely mate I'm so excited plus I'm looking forward to seeing Carl again."He replied happily

"Now I haven't seen you this past week you have the entire routine memorised right?"I questioned him.

"Yeah mate the routine is going to look so good on stage, it will make us look unique and awesome." He replied back instantly.

"I'll take your word for it mate."I replied before lounging back to take some rest before we landed.

A few hours later...

Lando's POV

I violently shook Max awake as we arrived in Norway. It was late in the evening so the temperatures had dropped quite a bit as we put on our jackets as we exited the plane towards the terminal.The both of us quickly got our bags and made our way outside where we saw Carl waiting for us waving his hand in our direction.

"Carl mate it's so good to see you."I replied as I hugged him.

"It seems like it's been forever hasn't it."He replied chuckling as he hugged both of us back.

"So do you have the dates for our performances?"Max questioned.

"Ah yes so you guys will be in the fourth semi final tomorrow and then if we get through then the grand finals will happen the day after."He replied as we nodded our heads.

"Well we have the routine practiced and we feel better than ever."I replied.

"We know the song is good all we can do is leave it up to the fans and the jury."Carl replied bluntly.

Soon we arrived at the hotel where most of the participants were staying. Max and I quickly checked into our rooms making sure no one saw us.

The next morning...

Max's POV

The day of the semi finals had finally arrived Lando and I were up early and had a hearty breakfast with Carl and our team. We had a few hours to practice for one final time before the contest in the evening so, we spent the entire afternoon making sure we could be as perfect as possible with our performance.Soon enough it was time to head to the arena.We quickly made our way to our team room and changed into our wolf outfits.Our performance was the second to last from all ten teams participating.I noticed Lando started to look worried as he was fidgeting his legs.

"Mate are you alright?"I asked him just before we were about to go on.

"Y-yeah I'm fine Max just a few nerves that's all."He replied.

"Mate everything is going to be alright even if we don't make it through just remember to give your best out there, just think of it as your first time in formula one. Channel those nerves to fuel you.We can do this mate, believe in yourself."I replied trying to motivate him.

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