Chapter 21

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Lando's POV

Over the next month or so, Max and I practiced our routine when the girls would go out and we even flew to a few of the races to support our friends and visit the tracks.Of course the media started asking us questions about Eurovision and why we were in Norway the entire time, we denied all the rumours and just told them that we were just living our lives during our short break.We were currently in China for the race and there was now about 2 weeks left before the contest started.

"Say Lando, when are the dates for the contest?"Daniel asked as I walked with him through the paddock.

"Well, we have the first semi finals on the 7th of May, the second semi final on the 9th and the grand finals on the 11th."I replied back answering his question.

"Well that's wonderful all of us can come and see it live then.We can fly straight after the race in Miami."Daniel replied back cheerfully.

"It'll be good to see you mate that's for sure."I replied back.

We continued talking with each other until Daniel had to go for a few interviews before the race started.I made my way back to the McLaren garage and talked with my ex team boss Zak.

"So Lando, you and Max have been doing pretty well to have qualified for Eurovision."He spoke up.

"Yeah we have, it's been a real fun experience and now we get to represent Norway in Malmö."I replied back happily.

"Lando, I want to talk to you in private if that's alright with you."He asked slowly.

"Ok, is everything alright?"I asked.

"Yeah just follow me."He replied as I went with him.

We entered his office and he gestured me to sit down on the chair.

"Lando, I have an offer for you to take your seat back for next season."He replied revealing the contract in front of me.

My eyes widened in shock as I looked towards Zak in disbelief.

"Umm, I don't know what to say.What about Pato, I thought he took my seat."I replied back confused.

"Well he has actually decided to go back and race for Arrow McLaren.He didn't really like the atmosphere here in F1 and he feels at home back with his old team."Zak replied truthfully.

"Wow, this is unexpected can I have some time to think about it Zak."I replied still in shock.

"Sure Lando, take all the time you need.I know your focus would be on Eurovision for now so anytime after that is alright.Just remember before the end of the season.I haven't told Oscar yet too, if you do decide to join back he'll be delighted."Zak replied as I nodded before leaving his office to find Max.

Soon enough, I saw him walking out of the RedBull motorhome looking around until he spotted me.

"Lando mate, Christian has just offered me a seat for next year.I told him I needed some time to think.I don't know what to do."He replied frantically shocking me.

"Really, Zak offered me the same thing too."I replied as he was the one with a surprised look now.

"Well, let's think about it after the contest.Christian told me I have time till the end of the season."He replied.

"Same mate, I think they were in on it together probably from the looks of it."I replied back.

"I do miss racing though, I would love to return but I don't know what Emmelie would think about it."Max replied honestly.

"That's the same reason I asked Zak for time too, I have no idea what Alika would think about it.I wouldn't imagine they would like us being away for the better part of the year.I mean they have tours too but they still won't see us often.On top of all that, they don't know we are subwoolfer."I muttered to Max confused about what to do.

"I hear you mate, we'll figure it out lets just focus on the contest for now alright."He replied back as I nodded my head too him.

After the contract debacle, the both of us saw the race from our respective garages.Checo won the race for RedBull and Oscar finished second while George rounded out the podium.Max and I both met everyone else, congratulated them for their race and quickly bid our goodbyes.They were sad we couldn't stay longer but we had to get ready for Eurovision soon.

2 weeks later...

We flew back from China to Monaco and started packing immediately.Emmelie and Alika had already left for Malmö so, we were easily able to get ready without having to hide from them.We put on our masks, caps and wore big jackets to hide ourselves properly.We made our way to Malmö where we met Carl waiting for us at the airport.We got into our robocop styled helmets that Carl had ready to disguise us as we made our way to the hotel.As we arrived, there was a lot of buzz inside.Many participants and other teams were staying there too.Max and I even managed to catch a glimpse of our girlfriends who were talking with Alessandra, Loreen and Jere.

Unfortunately, we couldn't talk to anyone because they could get suspicious about who we were and we didn't want that happening.So, we were stuck in our hotel room the entire time.It was like going through the covid times all over again, in isolation and only with the company of our team.It was announced that we were going to take part in the first semi final the next day.Emmelie and Alika were going to be in semi final two on the 9th.

"Max I'm bored."I complained for about the millionth time now.

"Lando, I understand that you've told me that almost a million times but we can't do anything about it can we."He spoke annoyed.

"Don't worry boys, I have something for you to do."Carl spoke as he entered our room.

"Evening Carl, what do you have for us?"Max questioned.

"Well, your identities are a secret which means its going to be difficult to promote our song through social media.So, during this Eurovision period we're going to be producing more songs and making our own covers on other popular songs to post on the Subwoolfer Instagram.That way we can promote ourselves and keep your identities safe."He replied.

"Well that's amazing, when do we start."I replied excitedly.

"Well, if you want we can start now."He replied back smirking.

"Come on then, at least we'll have something to do and producing more songs will be fun too."Max replied.

That evening we composed two new songs and also did covers for other songs.It was a blast and it was filled with laughter the whole night.Turns out the fans enjoyed it too since our following increased by so much overnight.Everyone seemed to love our song and that could only bode well for us in the finals.Our fans created their own name for themselves, they were called the 'Subcubs' and I couldn't think of a better name.We were suddenly a favourite to win the contest according to the internet.However, not to our surprise so were our girlfriends.Their song was trending everywhere and our two fanbases were arguing against each other.It was literally pandemonium in every social media platform.

That night, I was too excited to sleep.Our journey at Eurovision had officially begun and the thought of it was amazing.

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