Chapter 11

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Lando's POV

I got out of the car to see Alika running at me before capturing me in a hug.Behind her Jere came with Alessandra and finally Emmelie stood with them smiling.I was still in shock until Alika spoke up.

"Lan aren't you happy to see us?"She questioned still hugging me.

"No no it's not like that just surprised, what are all of you doing here?"I questioned back.

"Isn't it obvious mate we came to support you and Max and see the race, we got tickets for tomorrow too."Jere replied holding up 4 VIP paddock passes.

"Oh I see, well it's quite wet out here let me take your bags."I replied opening the boot of the car still quite shaken up.

"Lan are you alright, you're looking a little pale."Alika replied concerningly as everyone sat down in the car.

"Umm, well you see it's a long story I'll explain it in the car although it makes a lot of sense now."I replied back.

"What makes sense Lando?"Alessandra replied asking me back.

"It's something to do with Max."I replied slowly catching Emmelie's attention.

"Is everything alright with him Lando?"Emmelie asked quickly worry setting in her face.

"Yeah he's fine physically but not everything's alright."I replied as I explained the situation to them.

"So you mean to say that he was super worried for Emmelie, almost crashed the car and qualified down in 19th."Jere replied back.

"Yeah that's about it, he was completely out of it Emmelie, I talked to him before Alika called me up.He has never had such a lack of confidence and he thought he had done something wrong and blamed himself entirely.I hope a few of my words got through to him he thought you didn't love him anymore."I replied back sadly.

Emmelie's POV

I felt so guilty in that moment knowing I made Max feel like that and worst of all it affected his performance.Alika was watching the qualifying in silence as I saw Max spin out and finish down in 19th.I couldn't stop myself from crying then and completely broke down as Alika comforted me.

"Hey Emmelie, it's not your fault.Listen to me you just wanted to surprise Max he couldn't have known you were flying.Trust me he will be super happy when he gets to see you tomorrow and he will put on a hell of a race."Lando replied calming me down slightly.

"Hey don't cry girl, it isn't your fault let's brighten up the mood here.First of all I think congratulations are in order for your pole Lando."Alessandra replied back happily.

"Wait Lan got pole! Congrats Lan."Alika screamed looking back at the phone before kissing Lando on his cheek from behind.

"Congratulations Lando."I replied back simultaneously with Jere feeling slightly better now.

"Thanks guys, it's nothing really."He replied as we pulled up to the hotel.

As we got checked in, I went up to Lando asking him for Max's room number desperately.

"Emmelie I know you feel really bad right now but, I'm asking you to sleep with Alessandra tonight tomorrow morning all of us will surprise Max.I know when he wakes up and I have a spare key card to his room."He replied as I finally gave in.

Soon we all went to our rooms with Alika obviously going with Lando and Alessandra and I slept together while Jere had his own room.I stayed awake at night thinking about how Max might've been feeling until I finally fell asleep unable to stay awake any longer.

The next morning

I was shook awake violently by Alessandra who said it was time to surprise Max, apparently Lando, Alika and Jere all had their breakfast and were waiting on me.I looked briefly at the bedside clock to see it was eight in the morning.

I quickly got ready and had a quick breakfast before Lando lead us to Max's room.

"Ok guys, stay quiet I'll open the door and wake Max up, someone please film this."He replied as Jere eagerly took out his phone.

Lando then opened the door quietly as we all slowly walked in to see Max fast asleep.I noticed his pillow was half wet and by the look of his face he must've cried in his sleep.I instantly felt bad again until Lando gave me a look again telling me it wasn't my fault.He then proceeded to wake Max up by shouting at the top of his lungs.

Max's POV

I suddenly woke up from my slumber by someone screaming so loud that my eardrums almost burst.I instantly knew it was Lando from his voice and because he was the only one having a spare key into my room apart from my team who wouldn't do this.

"For fuck's sake Lando, how many times do I have to tell you not to wake me up like that I only gave you that key card for bloody emergencies."I shouted at him as I heard laughter in the background.

I rubbed my eyes slowly opening them as they adjusted to the morning sunlight gleaming through the window.It was then I noticed other people were in the room shocking me.Stood next to Lando was his girlfriend Alika and then there was Alessandra and Jere who was filming on his phone.However, my gaze lingered on the last person in the room.My girlfriend was standing there with a small smile on her face but I could easily see that she had been crying.I jumped out of bed and instantly went to hug her.

"Oh my god what are you doing here? I've been so worried, you weren't answering my calls and I thought I did something wrong and I'm just so happy to see you are you alright Em why have you been crying?"I asked concerned as I ranted on.

"It's nothing Maxie, I was coming here to surprise you then Lando told me how worried you were and how it affected your performance and the fact that you thought I didn't love you anymore, I feel so guilty."She replied back just hugging me tightly burying her face in my neck.

"We'll leave you guys alone to talk."Lando replied as all of them left the room.

"Em don't ever say that please, I'm surprised in a good way it's not your fault at all.I let my thoughts get the best of me and that's on me.Yes I was worried yesterday but it only made me realise how important you are to me and how much I really love you."I replied trying to console her.

"I love you too Maxie I'm so sorry."She replied wiping her tears away.

"Hey no need to apologise, just warn me next time you're flying so I'll know."I replied back making her laugh slightly as we shared a loving kiss.

"Now come on, let's go to the others we need to go to the track soon the race starts in a few hours and you're staying with me in the RedBull garage."I replied back before freshening up quickly and getting ready.

"Maxie won't it be a difficult race for you today considering where you are starting?"She questioned me as we left the room.

"Yes it will, spa always is a difficult one but I have done many recovery drives in the past.Now that I have you here, what more motivation do I need to blitz this.Besides last year I started in 14th and won the race so I think I'll be in good hands we do have a decent car too."I replied back.

"Looks like it might rain soon."Emmelie replied back.

"That's ought to make the race interesting, wet weather and spa isn't uncommon though."I replied back as we soon arrived at the track.

Lando and the others had already settled in the McLaren garage while I took Emmelie with me to the RedBull motorhome.

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