Chapter 25

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Max's POV

Grand finals day had arrived and Lando and I were up early.We decided to get to the arena as fast as possible to get some last minute practice in along with the busy schedule we had in front of us.We had so many interviews to do alongside fan meet and greets.On top of all that we had to avoid Emmelie and Alika as much as possible.Soon enough, we arrived at the arena and made our way with our wolf outfits to our team room.

"Morning guys."Lando and I both replied as everyone gave us a nod and a pat on the back.

"Come on guys, I know you all feel sorry for us about what happened yesterday but we need to focus for the finals tonight.Please don't feel bad for us or anything it's not required let's just enjoy this experience and give it all we got."I replied immediately letting the whole team know about my feelings before they all muttered yes.

As we were about to get ready for the proceedings of the day there was a knock on our door.I looked at Lando who shrugged before putting on his mask and opening the door to reveal Alessandra.

"Guys, what is this I've heard you guys are single now what happened?"She questioned clearly confused.

We led her to a corner of the room and explained the whole thing to her who couldn't believe what had transpired.

"Well come on, you guys can tell them the truth and everything will be fine again."Alessandra spoke suggesting the same idea Carl spoke of yesterday night.

"No Alessandra not this time, we both know they are the ones for us but we need a break.They didn't want to believe us and we also think it's best to give them some space."I replied back to her.

"What come on guys this is your relationship on the line here and you won't even fight for it."She replied back trying to convince us.

"We did fight Alessandra, we tried and it didn't work out.So please, respect our decision and let it all work out itself with time."Lando replied back.

"Just promise us one thing Alessandra, never leave them alone and please support them since we can't.We still love them with all our hearts."I replied sadly as she just nodded understanding our request before she left the room.

After a tumultuous morning to say the least, Lando and I got on with the day.We did several of the interviews we were supposed to do, talked with the other contestants with the help of Carl and finally perfect our performance in time for the big event.As evening fell, the arena started getting packed with fans and we went into the stadium to the contestants booth in front of the stage while waving to the crowd.Eventually the show began, the hosts finished their proceedings and Loreen opened up the show with her winning song Tattoo and even sang Euphoria.We were going to be seventh in the running order for our song.

The songs went by really quickly and before we knew it, it was our time to shine on stage.We caught a glimpse of Emmelie and Alika who smiled and waved at us before we went onstage.They didn't know it was us and that familiar feeling of pain rushed through me as I shrugged it off before going onto the stage.As the lights dimmed Lando and I nodded to each other meanwhile our postcard played for all the fans.We were going to give the best performance ever and no matter the outcome and be proud of the effort we put in.The lights shone as our song started playing.


Not sure I told you, but I really like your teeth

That hairy coat of yours with nothing underneath

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