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10 years later...

Emmelie's POV

Ever since I participated in Eurovision again my life has been wonderful, over the past 5 years Max and I got married.He proposed to me in the sweetest way possible taking me back to where we first met in Liverpool.We even have a loving son called Liam.After Eurovision, Max and Lando went back to formula one winning two titles each before they called it a day to spend more time with us.Lando and Alika also got married around the same time as us and have a loving daughter called Lyla.All of us still produce music and have gained millions of fans across the globe.Life couldn't be more perfect right now for all of us.

Liam's 11th birthday was coming up soon and we were super busy planning out everything for his surprise party.The day before his birthday though he came into our room at night looking lost which concerned the both of us.

"Mom and Dad can I speak to you guys."Liam spoke quietly.

"Is everything alright Liam?"I asked worried.

"Y-yeah it's probably silly leave it have a good night."He replied about to leave.

"Hey hey son, you can tell us anything no matter what it may be we are always here to support you alright."Max replied convincing Liam to speak with us.

"Alright, the thing is you know how I have been karting for the past four years now as well as winning the Junior Eurovision Song Contest for Denmark."He spoke.

"Yes and we are very proud of what you've been doing."I replied back to him.

"I just don't know what to do, I love singing and racing just as much.I know I want a career in either one of them but then again you guys are legends in both worlds.Both of you have won Eurovision and dad you are one of the best drivers ever in formula one with multiple world championships.How could I ever live up to those expectations."He replied as we finally understood what he was going on about.

"Liam, it's very mature of you to be thinking about your career from this early on let me give you some advice.You can be anything you want, take your time to decide what you want to do your still 11 and have a long life ahead of you.We'll be proud no matter what and as for living up to the expectations, yes people will expect a lot from you that's just how the world works.I know however, that over time you'll learn how to deal with them and you will make your own legacy in this world.You have the talent to do so and the both of us will support you every step of the way."Max replied before i spoke up.

"Yes Liam, your dad is right we'll support you no matter what and we know you'll create your own legacy in this world which will be even better than ours."I replied back as he cheered up a little.

"Thanks mom thanks dad that means a lot, I'll figure out what I want to do soon.I love you guys."He replied hugging us.

"We love you too Liam."We both replied hugging him back.

"You could still be a singer and a driver you know, it's what your uncle Lando and I both did."Max then replied.

"Oh yes, I completely forgot about that."He replied scratching his head making us laugh.

"Now come on Liam, it's late now time to go to bed it's your birthday tomorrow and your aunt and uncle will be coming over early."I spoke as he nodded his head bidding us good night before walking out the room.

"He's so mature for his age and I can't help but want the best for him.I know he'll do well but I'm so worried."I spoke to Max.

"Don't worry Em, the world is a tough place out there but if he is going in with this level of maturity and support from us he can achieve anything and everything.Plus, Lando and I weren't even having half his maturity at that age look where we've ended up."Max replied making me laugh.

"You always know what to say to cheer me up don't you Maxie."I replied back.

"As your husband and love of your life that is my duty."He replied back looking at me lovingly.

"I love you Maxie."I replied just hugging him.

"I love you too Em."He replied hugging me back as we settled in for the night.

The next day...

Max's POV

Emmelie and I were up early in the morning to get everything ready for Liam's party, he was still sleeping when Lando and Alika arrived with Lyla.

"Hey guys, its so good to see you and how is my favourite niece doing."I replied as I opened the door for them.

"I'm doing fine uncle Max, dad here has been pranking me a lot lately."Lyla replied back as Lando pouted slightly while Alika gave him a shove on the back.

"Well, we'll have to get revenge on him won't we."I replied high-fiving her hand.

"Oh no I'm scared."Lando replied sarcastically as we all laughed along.

"So Max who else is coming for Liam's party?"Alika asked as Emmelie entered the room and gave the both of them a big hug.

"Well we have Alessandra, Loreen, Jere, Charles, Lewis, Daniel and all the other drivers with their families."I replied back.

"A big party that's for sure."Emmelie replied as Liam then entered the room having woke up and immediately went to play with Lyla.

"How long are we betting till our kids get together when they are older?"I spoke.

"They would be super cute, I bet when they'll be 20."Emmelie spoke as Alika agreed with her.

"Oi Max your son isn't getting close to my daughter, I won't allow it."Lando spoke.

"We'll see about that mate."I replied before we all ended up laughing together.

Soon enough the party was in full swing and almost everyone had arrived getting awesome gifts for Liam.He was so happy, he even decided overnight what he wanted to be and the answer gave a smile on the both of our faces.He wanted to become a world champion f1 driver and a future Eurovision winner just like Lando and I.

"Guess our words really did help him last night."I spoke to my wife.

"Yeah he's growing up so fast it still feels like yesterday when we brought him home form the hospital."Emmelie replied as nostalgic memories set in my head form 10 years ago.

"I can't imagine my life without you Em, I'm happy we met in Liverpool all those years ago.I don't know where I would be now if we hadn't met the thought scares me."I spoke to her honestly.

"Neither can I Maxie, and don't you dare think about that.It happened didn't it we met and its been history ever since hasn't it."Emmelie replied lifting my mood.

"I guess so, thanks a lot of Em and I love you."I replied happily before kissing her.

"I love you too Maxie."She replied back as we enjoyed being in each others embrace.

A/N-That's it guys this book is finally over and what a journey it has been over the past month.It has been amazing and as I said in the last chapter I will take a few days break now as I decide what my next book is going to be about.Don't worry I will still write a lot on Formula 1 and Eurovision.I love both of those worlds and they are my life 🫡

Start date-25/07/2023

End date-01/09/2023, 00:40 AM

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