Chapter 13

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Max's POV

That evening after the race we all went out to celebrate Lando's win at a local club.We partied hard for quite a while and almost everyone was drunk except me who volunteered to be the one to keep us at bay.I danced with Emmelie for a while until we all sat down at our private booth and ate some delicious appetisers.Everyone were getting to know each until I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.George and Lando were dancing together in each other's embrace, completely out of it.

"Alika and Carmen you guys might be single soon."I replied unable to hold my laugh in.

"Why? What happened?"Both of them questioned as they looked at me confused.

"L-look o-over there."I stuttered out wheezing as I pointed out to George and Lando, getting out my phone to record this.

"Well looks like your boyfriends are dating each other now."Jere replied as I recomposed myself.

"Did you get it all on video Maxie?"Emmelie asked me.

"Yep I did this is going to be the perfect surprise tomorrow morning."I replied while smirking.

"Are you planning to do something?"Carmen asked me.

"Yep I'm going to get revenge on both of them."I replied back.

"What did they do?"Alika asked me.

"Well Carlos mate, you should know what happened."I replied not willing to tell it.

"Are you talking about Abu Dhabi 2021."He replied.

"Yep."I simply replied back.

"Oh this is so funny, I remember it clearly."Carlos replied laughing.

"What happened, I want to know."Emmelie replied as everyone looked at me curiously.

"Well, I had just won my first title after battling it out with Lewis and tensions between us were quite high back then since the race ended in a controversial manner.Obviously that is behind us now and we are good friends and have that respect for each other.Lando and George thought it would be funny to ease the tensions between us by luring us to an empty car park until they pushed us into a van and locked us in there until we weren't fighting anymore.I guess it worked but Lewis and I didn't approve of the way they did it."I replied back explaining the story.

At that moment, Lando and George came back a little sober but still fully drunk.

"Well, it's time to get you guys back to the hotel."I replied half laughing.

"B-but I want to party more."Lando whined like a child.

George being the more mature one here agreed to go back to the hotel thankfully as Carmen held onto him to support him.Carlos and I meanwhile dragged a screaming Lando all the way to the car as everyone followed.

"I can't believe I fell in love with a child."Alika spoke half laughing at what was going on.

"Well drunk Lando is the worst thing that can possibly happen.I cannot count how many times I've dragged him back to the hotel.Carlos is also fed up with it at this point."I replied as I locked Lando in the car who immediately fell asleep.

Soon after, I drove us back to the hotel.I could see everyone was tired after an exhausting day.As soon as we reached the hotel I asked Alika to quickly go and open Lando's room as i fished the keycard out of his pocket.

"You guys can go back to your rooms, Carlos and I will handle Lando."I replied as everyone else bid us goodnight before going.

Emmelie's POV

Alika and I were standing outside Lando's room waiting for Max and Carlos to get Lando making small talk with each other.

"So Emmelie, are you going to be on tour soon?"Alika questioned.

"Actually yes, in Denmark I'll be having a mini tour throughout the country.What about you?"I replied back to her.

"Same as you really just back home in Estonia.It's going to be a while until we see each other again huh."She replied.

"Yeah I'm going to miss you Alika it's been a blast so far."I replied back as we hugged each other.

"Promise me we'll see each other after tour."She spoke softly.

"Yeah definitely, when are you flying out?"I asked her.

"Well, I'll be flying out tomorrow morning."She replied.

As we were talking the elevator opened on our floor to reveal Max and Carlos supporting Lando on both shoulders as we opened the door for them.

"He needs to learn to be able to hold his drink.I'm so tired."Carlos replied rubbing his eyes and going back to his room before bidding us goodnight.

"By the way guys, you will get to spend time with each other for some more time."Max replied looking at Alika and I.

"What do you mean Maxie?"I questioned him confused.

"I may or may not have cancelled the flights you were supposed to take tomorrow."He replied innocently.

"Max, I had told you at the lounge earlier I need to go on tour how am I supposed to get there without a flight."I replied shocked that he would do that.

"Hear me out first, I did it in the best interest of all of you.Tomorrow at any time you would like Alika, Jere, Alessandra and you will take my jet.First you guys will fly to Denmark followed by Estonia, Finland and Norway."He replied back explaining his actions.

"Oh thank you so much Max but what about you? Don't you have a race next week."Alika asked.

"Yes, Lando and I will drive from here to the Netherlands so it's fine."He replied back smiling.

"That's really sweet of you Maxie to think about us, I appreciate it but be careful on the road ok."I replied back concerned for him.

"I'll be fine Em don't you worry, now come on it's pretty late now I think we all should get some rest."He replied as we bid goodnight to Alika before going back to Max's room.

"I'm going to miss you Maxie."I replied looking at him as we laid down beside each other in his bed.

"I'll miss you too Em but, you shouldn't have to be there to support me in every race.I mean you have your own life and career to pursue and I'm not going to stand in your way.Plus we'll call regularly and see each other when we can.I'm serious about us Em and I'll always love you no matter how far apart we are."Max replied almost making me cry.

"Thank you Maxie, I'm so lucky to have met you and I love you too don't ever forget that and please don't worry over me.I don't want it to affect your performance on track ever again."I replied back.

"You know I'll always be worried about you Em."He replied looking back at me before kissing me.

"Now let's get some sleep, goodnight Em."He replied softly.

"Goodnight Maxie."I whispered back to him before falling asleep in his arms.

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