Chapter 15

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Lando's POV

Max's phone had started ringing and as he looked over to see who it was there was an immediate smile on his face.

"Lando, Emmelie is calling me not a word about the song alright."He spoke as I nodded at him.

"Hey Em and Alika how are you guys doing."He replied as he showed the phone in our direction.

"Hey guys, enjoying your vacation."Alika replied excitedly.

"Yeah we are, we do miss you guys though any good news you look excited."I replied back.

"We actually do have some good news for you."Emmelie replied as both girls looked to each other.

"You see back in Liverpool, Emmelie and I both wrote a song together.The song is called 'You'."Alika replied back.

"Our song has been accepted for the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix.Both of us have a chance of representing Denmark at Eurovision next year."Emmelie replied happily.

"That's amazing guys, we are so proud of the both of you."Max replied back happily.

"Yeah we couldn't be more proud, you guys are going to win it for sure but how did you decide if you're going to represent Denmark or Estonia?"I questioned.

"Well that is quite simple you see as much as I would love to represent my home country Lan, I believe we will have good publicity and good luck representing Denmark seeing as Emmelie has already won the contest before.Plus we are doing a duet here so I don't mind one bit."Alika replied back clearing my confusion.

"Oh I see well best of luck to the both of you, we'll be tuning in to see the contest."Max replied.

"What about you guys, you never told us where you were going on holiday?"Emmelie questioned.

"Oh well we are in Norway."I told them.

"Oh really, you guys might as well see the MGP there you know."Emmelie replied back.

"That's a wonderful idea Em I completely forgot about that."Max replied back quickly.

"Well Emmelie here is the smart one out of you two no offence Max."I replied jokingly.

"Hey, I'm smart too."He replied as both of the girls laughed on the call.

"Well, we best be off now it's getting quite late, I wish you guys the best of luck once again goodbye guys."I replied as Max also bid his goodbyes before ending the call.

"You think they know?"I asked Max nervously.

"No I think we're safe for now, come on we need to be up early at the studio."Max replied calming me down.

"Alright, night Max."I replied back to him settling down for the night.

The next morning

Max's POV

Lando and I quickly rushed to the studio after a quick breakfast to meet Carl and to begin the hunt for an artist.Both of us tripped over each other into the room where Carl was waiting for us, making a fool of ourselves.

"Oh dear are you guys alright."Carl spoke as he rushed over to us.

"Yeah we're fine."I quickly replied as I got up and helped Lando.

"So, we need to find an artist any ideas."Lando replied taking my hand.

"I have a few, come on follow me."He replied before sitting back down at the table.

Both of us sat down and saw a list full of names with phone numbers on them.

"We are going to call each artist one by one, Lando you can start by calling Alexander first."Carl replied as Lando fetched his phone.

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