Chapter 9

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Max's POV

Grand finals day had arrived and the mood was quite bittersweet.Lando and I both knew that our time with our new friends and girlfriends was running out.Sure we would keep in contact but with the season starting up again it would be hard.I decided not to overthink things right now and just enjoy the moment.It was nearing the time the finals would start and Lando and I sat together.Alika obviously had to sit with her team for the finals and Emmelie was going to be performing on the stage as part of the previous contestants.I was super excited to see her perform for the first time.

"Mate when are you flying out to Belgium?"I asked Lando next to me.

"Unfortunately I'm flying out later tonight, I need to be at the MTC before the weekend starts what about you?"He replied sadly.

"Same mate, I need to leave after the show I need to be at Milton Keynes too before the weekend."I replied back.

Both of us hadn't told the others yet since we were all just enjoying the past week together and we couldn't find it in ourselves to tell them.However, we decided on telling them later tonight after the show.

Soon the show started and the crowd started roaring as last year's winners Kalush Orchestra played their winning song 'Stefania'.Lando and I ended up just vibing with the crowd and dancing until the hosts appeared and the introduction's started.Thankfully they proceeded through quite quickly and the previous contestants started to come onto the stage to play their songs.

"First off everybody welcome the Eurovision Song Contest winner from 2015, Måns Zelmerlöw."The host announced enthusiastically.

The crowd roared and everyone started singing along as Måns made the stage his own.Many other acts of previous participants had gone by, I liked Alexander Rybak's Fairytale and Duncan Laurence's Arcade.Lando was vibing to Lordi's Hard Rock Hallelujah which was an amazing song impressing me too.Finally though the host announced Emmelie's name and I instantly looked towards the stage.

"Now for the final act of the evening from the Eurovision archives here is your winner from 2013, from Denmark Emmelie de Forest and her song Only Teardrops."The host announced before walking off the stage.

Flute verse

The sky is red tonight
We're on the edge tonight
No shooting star to guide us

Eye for an eye, why tear each other apart
Please tell me why, why do we make it so hard
Look at us now, we only got ourselves to blame
It's such a shame

How many times can we win and lose?
How many times can we break the rules between us?
Only teardrops
How many times do we have to fight?
How many times till we get it right between us?
Only teardrops

Flute verse

So come and face me now

Here on the stage tonight

Let's leave the past behind us

Eye for an eye, why tear each other apart
Please tell me why, why do we make it so hard
Look at us now, we only got ourselves to blame
It's such a shame

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