Chapter 5

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Lando's POV

After breakfast Max, Emmelie and I went sightseeing around Liverpool.I still can't believe Max met Emmelie and didn't know anything about her.I guess it was the same way around for her until I kinda spoiled it.I was walking behind them and could see both of them taking glances at each other.Straight away I had an intuition that both of them liked each other but were too shy and afraid too admit it.It was then I had decided to set them up together all they needed was a push in the right direction.

"Hey guys why don't we go to the beatles museum.It's close by and I bet we can see some amazing stuff there."I suggested to them.

"Yeah that's not a bad idea mate what do you say Emmelie?"Max asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine with that guys lead the way Lando."She replied back.

"Mate be our tourist guide you're the sole britisher here."Max replied while grinning.

"Yeah yeah whatever mate."I replied shrugging him off.

As we arrived at the beatles museum I noticed that Max and Emmelie were in a world of their own and I felt like the third wheel here even if they weren't dating.I therefore decided to quietly sneak away for the time being.

Max's POV

We entered the museum and immediately began looking around.I was fascinated by all the history the beatles had and the look on Emmelie's face told me she was just as intrigued as I was.I decided to take this opportunity to get to know each other better.

"So Emmelie tell me more about yourself."I asked as we walked along the hallways.

"Well I was born and brought up in a small town outside Copenhagen.I remember always loving music and I wanted to produce my music one day.When I was seventeen I moved to Copenhagen to kick start my career.At first it was difficult because I didn't have much money so I started to work at a local bakery and I loved working there as I got to eat free cakes and different types of breads.Then at the start of 2013 I got my big break at the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix.That was the contest for the selection of Denmark's song for the contest that year.I won it with Only Teardrops and represented my country that year in Malmö.As you know I won the contest and became a full time musician."She replied as I listened intently.

"That's wonderful by the way if you don't mind me asking are you going to be releasing any new music soon?"I asked her back curiously.

"I have a few things in my mind that I might write down and release later this year yeah you already keen on listening to it Max."She teased.

"W-why wouldn't I listen to your music it's wonderful I've been listening to a few tracks all morning."I replied back honestly.

"So that's why you had your AirPods on the entire time, which ones did you listen to I'm curious now."She replied back waiting for my reply.

"Well I've listened to Rainmaker, Drunk Tonight, Sanctuary, Let It Fall, Hunter and Prey and so many more I can't decide which is the best all of them are so good."I replied back.

"Thanks Max that's so sweet of you."She replied blushing slightly.

"When is your birthday?"I asked her wanting to keep a mental note of it.

"28th of February how about yours?"She asked back.

"Mine is 30th September."I replied back.

"Have you been a big fan of Eurovision for a long time?"I asked her genuinely curious.

"Oh yes actually, I think my family and I watched our first concert on the tv back in 2000 the last time Denmark won.I was probably seven at the time."She replied smiling at the memory.

"That's cool, wait a minute that means your older than me by about four years I was born in 1997."I replied back shocked.

"Well that's interesting I thought you would be my age too."She replied back while laughing.

"Hey is that an insult."I asked back sarcastically.

"No no Max don't take it the wrong way I was just joking."She replied back frantically.

"Hey I was joking too don't worry but, I'm still taller than you."I replied back laughing.

"Yeah and I'm older."She replied back asserting authority in her voice.

"Older but really beautiful."I replied back complimenting her as she blushed.

"Enough about me tell me about you Max."She replied back.

"Well I started karting at a young age, my father Jos was also a formula 1 driver and he wanted me to be the best of the best.I would say he was quite strict on me at times more than I would've liked but it got me that mentality to always stay alert and never give up on the track.I climbed up the ranks pretty quickly from karting to F3 then entering Formula 1 for the first time in 2015 at the age of seventeen for Toro Rosso which is Redbull's sister team.Then from 2016 onwards mid season I swapped into the RedBull seat.They have always had the reputation of being tough on their drivers if they didn't perform which gave me the opportunity to step up.In my first race for them I won at the mere age of eighteen years and two twenty eight days old.I became the youngest ever winner, point scorer and podium sitter in those two years.I had a reputation for being ruthless on the track and I was very young back then compared to the other drivers but I have matured a lot since then and now I have two driver's world championships to my name with Redbull in 2021 and 2022."I replied back reminiscing of my times on track.

"Wow that's wonderful truly a meteoric rise to the top."Emmelie replied back.

"Well I can't take all the credit I wouldn't be here without my father and my team behind me."I replied back honestly.

"What about this year how's your season going?"She asked looking interested.

"Well I am currently leading the championship to my teammate Checo by a 100 points or so.Both of us have won every race since the start of season until now we have a pretty good car helping us though."I replied back.

Soon our conversation was interrupted by Lando running towards us looking pale in the face.

"Lando what happened why do you look so pale?"I asked confused.

"Well I sneaked away from you both since you lovebirds were engrossed in your love life that you forgot about me.Unfortunately while I sneaked away some random fan saw me and I've been running like crazy, there is a horde of them out there we need to get out of here."He replied frantically.

Both Emmelie and I looked at each other and blushed profusely at Lando's statement before the main issue at hand finally got through to me.

"Oh shit, we need to get out of here where do we go."I asked quickly recomposing myself.

"I think I had seen a back exit earlier we can get out from there."Emmelie replied quickly as we followed her.

After thirty minutes of running we arrived back at the hotel safely until Emmelie started running in the direction of a group in front of us beckoning us to follow.We were confused until we saw who were ahead.Lando and I took a minute to catch our breath.

"Mate you've scored a good one Emmelie has good stamina she'll be good in bed."Lando replied while laughing.

"Mate shut up come on let's go she's already talking with them."I replied going red in the face.This guy was my best friend but I swear he was going to annoy me to death one day.

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