Chapter 2

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Meanwhile at Liverpool airport

Emmelie's POV

I had just landed at the airport and was immediately greeted by the good old british weather.I didn't even have an umbrella on me.It was late at night and the area was almost deserted.I managed to catch a taxi without getting too wet and reached the hotel.I was invited as a guest for this year's contest since it had been exactly ten years this week since I won the ESC back in Malmö 2013.It still feels like it was just yesterday.It was nearing 1 am and I was super exhausted all I wanted to do was get checked in and go straight to bed.However fate had other plans for me as I found out that my booking had been cancelled somehow.

"What do you mean my booking is cancelled?"I questioned to the manager and receptionist half angry and half exhausted at this point.

"I'm so sorry miss there is nothing we can do here."The manager replied before walking away.

I couldn't believe this was happening to me right now and I had no clue what to do at this point.I would probably have to sleep in the hotel lobby and try and sort this out in the morning.Suddenly however, I was broken out of my stupor by someone tapping my shoulder.I turned around to see a man with brown hair with a hint of blonde in it and blue eyes.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation at the front desk.It's quite late at night and I don't suppose you would like to sleep in the hotel lobby.Would you like to sleep in my room?"The man asked me politely with a dutch accent.I hesitated since I barely knew him at all.

"I know this kind of sounds weird but I noticed your hair is wet and you might catch a cold."The man replied back honestly.I decided to take him up on his offer since he sounded genuine.

"I guess, thank you so much I don't know what to say."I replied back thankful to him and god for giving me a miracle.

"No worries, besides I couldn't let a pretty lady like you just sleep in the lobby now could I what kind of a man would I be then."He replied back while laughing.

He led me to his room and let me in.He offered to put my luggage away for me and got me a towel to dry up.This man barely knew me and was acting so kind which shocked me.He definitely didn't know who I was so this was him helping out purely because he had a good heart.

"If you would like I can get you a cup of coffee or tea anything you would like I'm not really feeling sleepy right now so you can freshen up and come in the meantime."He replied back.

"Oh thank you that means a lot a coffee is fine thank you if you don't mind."I replied back politely slightly blushing at his kindness.

"No worries and please there is no need to say thank you."He replied back before making the coffee using the machine in the room.

I quickly went into the bathroom changed into a pair of pyjama's and went back out to see him sitting down at the table with two coffee's ready.

"Thank you so much once again for all the help, I didn't catch your name though."I replied back to him.

"I've already told you there is no need to say thank you and the name is Max."He replied back.

"Nice to meet you Max, my name is Emmelie."I replied back to him.

"That's a beautiful name, are you here to see the contest?"He asked back as I felt myself blush from the compliment.

"Thanks and yes I am here for the contest, music has always been a huge part of my life and I pursue it as a professional career."I replied.

"Oh that's wonderful, I'm sorry if I haven't heard of you before."He replied back nervously.

"Oh no worries I'm not that well known but I have a few good songs that I have released over the years."I replied back before asking him a question. "What do you do as a job?"I asked.

"Oh I work in the motorsport field, I'm currently on a holiday break though for about a month or so."He replied vaguely.

"Are you Danish by any chance, I have another Danish friend having a similar accent."He questioned.

"Yes you are right, I am born and brought up in Denmark.I'm guessing you are Dutch from your accent."I replied back.

"You got that right, I spent my younger years in Belgium with my mom and sister but I have always felt like the Netherlands is my real home which is where my dad is from."He replied back.

Soon after that, we both were drinking out coffee's together in comfortable silence until something occurred to me as intrusive as it sounded I wanted to ask Max this question.

"Max, if you don't mind me asking what were you doing up so late at this time?"I inquired politely as I noticed his face darken and become emotionless.

"Actually, I had a nightmare and went around for a walk to clear my head.I've had my fair share of personal problems as of recent."He replied back.

"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that."I replied back feeling guilty.

"Oh please don't worry you couldn't have known plus I might as well tell you, my friend says it's good to talk these things out.You see last week I found out my now ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and I walked in on her and another man.It was heartbreaking I'm slowly getting over it."He replied.

"I'm so sorry about that Max, it's good to see you are moving on though there will be all your friends and family to help you through this and I'll happily be a friend to you too."I replied back.

"Thank you Emmelie that means a lot I appreciate it, I actually came along with a friend of mine who also got cheated on by his girlfriend we both are just taking time off right now ironically we both walked in on them."He replied slowly.

"Oh dear god that's so bad but hey it's their loss for ruining a relationship with someone like you Max you are a really kind person and act like a gentleman.I mean you helped me out today when you barely knew me."I replied back.

"I guess it is well, it's getting quite late now we should go to sleep now you can take the bed I'll sleep on the couch."He replied back.

"No Max after all you've done I can't do that to you please sleep on the bed with me it's your room."I replied back.

"Are you sure, I don't want you feeling uncomfortable or anything."He replied back.

"Hundred percent please Max it's the least I can do for you I promise I'll be fine."I replied back.

"Alright then if you say so."He replied before getting into bed alongside me.

"Goodnight Max."I spoke softly.

"Goodnight Emmelie, sweet dreams."He whispered back before we both drifted off into a slumber.

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