Chapter 1

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Max's POV

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed and energised.Yes it was unfortunate that the relationship didn't work out between my girlfriend and I however it was then that i realised she never really loved me and that soon I would find the one for me.Now I looked forward to enjoying a whole month away from the Formula 1 circus however I didn't really have an idea of where I wanted to go.Besides first of all Lando and I had to break the news to our friends.

I immediately got dressed and called Lando up asking how we should tell the guys about last night's events.One would argue by saying we were acting as if all was normal but I personally think it's best to move on as quickly as possible.

"Good morning mate, how are you feeling?" I asked Lando

"I'm feeling fine mate still processing the events of last night but I'll be fine, we have an entire summer break to relax and unwind and I don't want to waste it sulking about some cheaters."Lando replied back trying to sound confident.

"Mate trust me you don't have to be confident about this, yes I agree we should move on quickly however these things take time to process through.You know the same happened with Charles last year and how we helped him through his breakup.Take your time but enjoy life as well."I replied back concerned for Lando seeing that it was his first relationship that failed.

"Thank you mate, how do we break the news to them though?"He inquired.

"Let's just call them to my room and break the news, you call Carlos and George.I'll call Dan and the rest."I replied back before hanging up.

Within the next few minutes almost everyone had arrived at my room.Luckily none of them had flown out for their vacations yet.

"Max mate what's up we have a flight to catch."Checo replied looking confused as did everyone else.

"Lando and I have some news we wanted to share with you."I replied before getting into the details of last night.All of them were completely shocked and didn't utter a word until Lando spoke up.

"We wanted to tell you guys before any of the media got wind of it."Lando replied looking at the others.

"I'm so sorry guys I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now."Daniel replied concerned for both of his friends.

"That's just life I guess Dan but, we will move on pretty quickly Lando and I have decided to take our vacations together we don't really know where to go though you guys have any suggestions we want to be away from it all."I replied back asking him if he knew of any place.

"I have an idea how about Liverpool, I'm sure not many people will recognise you there plus they will be focused on the main event that's about to take place."Daniel replied as I thought about what he was on about.

"Oh yeah isn't Eurovision being hosted there this year?"George replied suddenly.

"Bingo"Daniel replied back.

"Oh it's the music contest.I have heard a few songs of theirs it's pretty cool Max we could go there."Lando replied.

"I guess it's not a bad idea but Lando mate you're going to have to get me up to speed since I have no clue about half of the things to do with Eurovision."I replied embarrassingly

"No worries mate I got you."Lando replied while smiling.He already looked like he was getting back to his normal self which was good to see.

Soon after everyone else left and soon enough I started packing my things to get to Liverpool as soon as possible.Lando was already ready and was waiting in the hotel lobby for me.We planned to take my private jet to make sure nobody would find out about our escapade.

A few hours later

Lando's POV

I was shook awake from my slumber to reveal Max's face hovering over me

"Mate we have arrived wake up."He replied before getting his luggage.Max and I then made our way out of the airport and rented a car for the entire weekend.We checked into our hotel and surprisingly found out a few of the contestants were also staying here.As we settled in I decided to get Max up to speed on Eurovision.

Over the next three hours Max understood how the contest worked and how points were given out.I even showed him all of the official songs of this years contest which I hadn't seen myself.He was super fascinated and intrigued by it.Obviously I used google to explain a few things to him since I didn't know everything over the top of my head.Max then spoke up again apparently with an idea.

"'Mate it's almost dinner time and I'm getting hungry now we can go down to the hotel restaurant and try to fins some of the contestants."He replied looking at me.

"Wouldn't that be an invasion of their privacy?"I questioned him back.

"I don't think they would mind to be honest there are bound to be many fans this year who would be asking for photos and autographs you know how it is mate."He replied back giving me a look.

"I guess, alright let's go."I replied hesitantly.

 As we sat down for dinner I asked Max which contestants he was looking forward to meeting.

"Oh I would like to meet Käärijä his song is so cool and maybe even meet Loreen.I bet she is going to win this year."He replied back.

"Why do you think that mate?"I asked curious to know his reasoning.

"I think she has the experience, you mentioned that she has participated and won the contest before, for me that personally takes a lot of pressure of your shoulder and you can enjoy while performing and go with the flow which I think will be her biggest advantage."He replied back.

"Seems like a sport we work in doesn't it."I replied back while laughing.

"F1 works that way too I guess."He replied back realisation dawning on him. "What about you mate who are you excited to meet?"Max replied back asking me.

I thought back to all the songs I had heard today and one stuck out to me the most.Her voice sounded amazing and she looked super beautiful the thought of her made my heart flutter and that's when something dawned on me, did I have a crush on one of the contestants already!?

When I looked back at Max he had a mischievous smirk on his face.

"You like one of the contestants don't you.I see that blush on your face mate don't try to deny it."He replied back teasing me.

"N-no nothing like that Max you've gone insane."I replied back trying to sound calm.

"Mate I can see right through you who is she?"He asked curiously waiting for my answer.After much deliberation I decided to tell him.

"Fine it's Alika, she looks so beautiful and her voice is like an angel sent from heaven even I didn't know I would fall for someone that quickly but she wouldn't even know me to her I would just be a crazy fan probably."I replied realistically.

"Mate you mean you like the Alika the one representing Estonia with her song Bridges."He replied looking at me with a smirk.I hesitantly nodded my head at him.

"Mate you are down bad I can see it but I have to agree her voice is amazing and you can do this man believe in yourself, yes she might not know you but that doesn't make you any less of a person.Just be yourself."He replied back.

"Thank you mate, how about we call it a day though dinner's done, I'm exhausted and no contestants in sight we'll have to try our luck tomorrow."I replied.

"Sure I guess."Max replied as we walked up to our respective rooms.

"We'll goodnight Lando see you tomorrow."Max replied back to me as he reached his room.

"Goodnight mate."I replied going into my own room immediately going to bed as thoughts of Alika filled my mind.What a day it had been.

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