Chapter four: Annoying.

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Chapter art by: @peecoA on Twitter.

TW: swearing.

[fyi I wrote this for like 6 hours and had to split it in half so two chapters in one day woooooo!!!"

Wilbur and Tommy said goodnight to Phil, Mumza and techno before going to bed.

Quackity pov:

I woke up this morning with my phone in my hand still. I think I fell asleep watching something. My head hurts so that's probably it.

I got up and brushed my hair. I don't usually wear makeup but I've got dark eye bags today so I'll just use a bit. Doesn't really matter either way.  No one's gonna care except me.

I got part of my uniform on, the shirt and the pants because it was to stuffy in my room to wear the jacket or vest. I have to wear it to school though. Stupid uniforms. I have to roll the ends of my pants because the pants in my size are still to long and they wouldn't bother making a 'custom' pant size. Whatever, it's been like this all my life so I'm used to it.

Surprisingly I woke up starving this morning, I normally skip breakfast but I guess I just couldn't today. I poured some cereal and milk into a bowl and went to the table. I barely sit there anymore. I didn't have a reason to after all, it's not like I'm gonna have family dinners or anything. I don't even say good morning to my mom anymore cause she's always at work before I can. Fuck I'm lonely.

Oh shit! If I don't leave in like five minutes I'll be late. How did i not notice the time earlier?! Okay, I'll just brush my teeth and grab my jacket and beanie.

[this is what the uniforms look like btw]

[this is what the uniforms look like btw]

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I rushed out my house and down the street. Luckily the schools not far from here so I made it to my locker just as the bell rang for students to know school officially started. Charlie was hanging out with Karl when he came up to me.

"Quackity! You were almost late! Come on let's walk to class together." The cheery boy said, grabbing quackity and Karl's hand to walk Karl to history and the me and Charlie to English.

After we dropped of Karl at history Charlie asked "hey Big Q, do you wanna hang at my place after school? We could walk together!"

"Sorry Charlie, I can't right after school I've got detention for like an hour. I'll try to come after though."

"Oh? Why do you have detention?" Charlie questioned.

"Oh-uhmm got caught arguing with some rando in the halls-" I was cut off by a smug voice behind me saying "you know that's not how it happened Quackity."

"What the fuck?! Why are you eavesdropping?!"
I yelled a bit to loudly. I was startled okay?

"Sorry- just overheard and didn't want your friend there getting the wrong idea." Wilbur said then tried walking forward to his next class

But before he walked off I grabbed his shirt collar and told him to fuck off and stop eavesdropping.

Wilbur responded with "Quackity you don't need to hate me you know?" I felt my face heat up a bit But before I could say anything else Charlie had taken my hand off his shirt collar and started to walk me to class saying "quackity let's sort it out after school okay?"

"Yea sure Charlie. Sure."


Wilbur pov:

After that little mishap with Quackity I went back to my class and decided just to eat lunch alone. I wasn't very hungry so I just ate a little bag of chips and a chocolate bar from the vending machines.

I admit, I probably should've sat with Tommy but I really didn't want to see Quackity and I wasn't sure if he was there or not.

I just scrolled through my contact list and saw Sally's number. The last thing she said was "can't we At least be friends Wilbur? I'm so sorry I ruined everything." Maybe she was right. Maybe we can be friends. Maybe I messed up.

Before the bell rung for lunch to be over I heard Tommy behind me saying "WILLBAHH why didn't you sit with us?" I responded by saying that I didn't really want to see Quackity.

"Big Q was sitting with Charlie and Karl at a different table Wilbur."

Oh well I thought he would've sat with you. Sorry then.

"Egh it's fine wil. Anyways we've got mr. Halo for English today so don't be late."

<after school, before detention>

Hey Tommy, let Phil and Mumza know that I'll be out for like an hour or two okay?

"Yeah sure wil I'm bringing Tubbo along so he can lie for you too." Tommy said deepening his voice.

It's not lying Tom, I just don't want them to worry about me being in detention. Please just say I'm out for an hour or two.

"Ok wil, now you might want to get going Ms. Puffy is glaring at you."

I felt a shiver down my spine. "Okay, goodbye Tommy."


I walked up to Ms. Puffy and said sorry for being late as I was talking to my brother. She said it was fine and told me that Quackity is already in Prof. Fundy's class so I should head there.

[1090 words and I made two chapters in one day]

[insert sobbing noises here 🥲]

[aight I'm posting this and another chapter today so prepare your eyes to read.]

[or don't :>]

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