Chapter thirty-nine: Is this a sleepover?

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Chapter art by: @ppppppuri on twitter.
TW: Swearing.

Nobody's pov:

Wilbur opened the door for Q and walked to his set of drawers, pulling out a random top and trousers.

"Here, there's a bathroom connected to my room so you can change there." The taller told, pointing to a door in his room.

"Oh... okay... thanks." Quackity then walked to the door and shut it behind him, Making sure it's locked.

After a minute the ravenette came back out in black pants and a baggy T-shirt, sorry, baggy on him. It was regular size for Wilbur. He didn't take off his hat this time though,

The brunette blushed slightly at the sight of the other in his clothes, but chose to ignore it

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The brunette blushed slightly at the sight of the other in his clothes, but chose to ignore it. "Oh... sorry, I can probably find something smaller if you want,"

"No, this is fine. It's comfortable at least,"

"O-Ok, you should probably get some sleep, we're gonna have to talk in the morning..."

"Right, you too. Where'll you sleep?" The ravenette was now smiling awkwardly.

"Oh... I guess I'll sleep on the couch? Yeah that's fine, goodnight Quackity. If you need me I'll be-" the taller was starting to walk out the door and was stopped by a hand on his wrist.

"Wait. If anything I should sleep on the couch. This is your house, Wilbur."

Wil turned around to face the other again, ", it's fine. You're hurt, Q, sleep well."

"Wilbur. Go to bed in your own room. It's fine. Your dad already knows I'm here, so I don't have to hide or anything."

"Y-Yeah but-"

"Stop it, go to sleep in here man," the two of them were now getting sort of angry now. They're both stubborn.

"Okay, but I don't want Techno to kick you out or-"

"He wouldn't do that. He'll take one look at me and probably drive me to the hospital. It's fine," Quackity had pulled Wilbur's wrist a bit, bringing him in the room more.

"Wow, you're so stubborn. Fine, open that closet door and grab a pillow and blanket." The taller smirked lightly as he pointed to a small closet door.

The Ravenette rolled his eyes, "yes, I am stubborn. Finally gonna let me sleep downstairs?" He walked to the closet, pulling out an extra pillow and blanket.

"Nope, that's for me-!" Then, Wilbur grabbed the items out of the other hand and threw them on the floor, turning on a bedside lamp and turning off the ceiling light.

"What-?! Your gonna... sleep on the floor? That's your big idea? The floor?"

The brunette stretched his arms and layers on the floor, "I'm tired enough, so yeah."

"Weirdo..." Quackity scoffed, rolling his eyes in a fond sort of way. Then he laid on the bed, letting out a small sigh as he turned the lamp off.

<Twenty minutes later>

Wilbur pov:

"Wilbur... are you up?"

...Hmm..? No.

"Shut up. I can't sleep."

Okay..? Anything wrong?

I sat up slightly, I couldn't sleep either.

"...I... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm being annoying or whatever. I really didn't want this to happen- it was just sort of-"

Quackity, don't be sorry.

I looked up at him, he was sitting cris crossed on the edge of my bed, looking at me.

I don't know what happened to you, but I want to help. It doesn't matter what happened honestly, I mean- yes, it matters, but it doesn't play a factor in me helping. You're- you're my friend, Q...

It sort of stings to say the word 'friend', yes, we are friends. But- I don't know, I think I want to be more...

"Yeah... friends... Wilbur I still feel really bad that your sleeping on the floor."

I rolled my eyes,

Well, you didn't let me sleep on the couch and I wanted you to take the bed!

"Yeah, yeah, I can still-! Ugh never mind- I'll fucking admit your bed is comfortable, but I still think you should have it."

Mhm, it is comfortable. That's why I made you take it.

"Whatever..." Quackity looked away, presumably rolling his eyes again, and then I noticed him scratching the back of his legs.

Whatcha doin?

"Hmm? Oh- nothing," he let go of his legs immediately, like a toddler that just got caught playing with something they aren't supposed to.

Quackity? What's wrong with your legs?

"There's nothing wrong-! Just forget it..."

Oh, I don't like this one bit.

He started laying down again, turning his back to face me. "It's just a few more scratches, nothing much."

There's more..?

"Yeah, I guess. I- I don't really want to talk about it right now. If that's alright-"

Yeah, that's fine. I'm just worried, that's all.

The Ravenette hummed in response, pulling the blanket closer to himself as he did so.

I got up and sat in the edge of the bed, catching his attention. He turned back around to see me and sat up.

...Wanna watch something on my phone with me?

"...fuck yeah. It's way to quiet right now."

I laughed and fished my phone out of the blankets I was in prior. I turned on a random video he said looked funny, and we both sat beside each other in the bed.

We laughed every once and a while, but for the most part we were silent. That is, until I asked him if I should turn it off. He didn't answer.


He fell asleep, on my shoulder.

Of course he did.

I sigh to myself and turn my phone off, helping him lay down more comfortably on one side of the mattress, as I lay on the other side. Our backs were faced to each other as we slept, but it was comfortable. A lot more comfortable than the floor could be at least.
[967 words]

[sleepy Q...]


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