Chapter forty-three: at least I'm not a skyscraper anymore.

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TW: swearing, bleh blah bre bleh bur brah I had an anxiety attack this morning bleh bur bah

Nobody's pov:

After around an hour of being out near the waters the boys decided to head back, throwing out the McPuffys trash in a nearby bin. The boys listened to a few songs on the radio, occasionally singing along to lyrics they knew and arguing over certain words of it. Stuff like 'actually, he said; creeper, hardly know her.' 'The fuck you mean?! He said; Creeper? I hardly know her!' And other stupid specifics they'd laugh at each other for. [Banger song fr fr] [Banger? I hardly know her!] [if ykyk]

Finally, the two were pulling into the driveway. Quackity still felt odd about staying in Wilbur's house, it made him feel like he was intruding their space. The brunette on the other hand, he really liked having the shorter there. He was funny, and cute. The taller would take every chance he gets to make Q feel at home. He'd also take any chance to get sweet, sweet, revenge on the Ravenette's father.

That's why he's currently telling his brother, Technoblade, about the situation in the kitchen. "So... Quackity was getting abused, huh?"

"...yeah, do you know anything we can do? Calling the police is obviously an option for us," the brunette took a pause before continuing, "But... they might not incriminate him since Q's bruises aren't discoloured anymore. Neither are the scrapes."

Tech had a straight face as he continued saying, "Right, you should have told me earlier Wil. Like maybe when Quackity got here? Then there would've been clear signs of-"

"I didn't know!" Wilbur cut the pinkette off, "sorry... he didn't tell me and I didn't want to push him or anything, he told me the day after but I was focused on helping him that I didn't think of calling someone." The brunette was now looking towards the kitchen floor, feeling like he ruined any chances of getting payback.

Techno put his hand on his brothers shoulder, giving it a reassuring tap. "It's alright, Wil, it's a tough situation. I can promise that your 'friend' won't be hurt by that man again. I can't promise a prison sentence..." The pinkette started mumbling this next bit, " least for him, that is..." before returning to his regular tone of voice. "But I can assure you he's gonna seriously regret his choices."

The brunette laughed softly at his brothers caring words, no matter how sinister they may sound. "Thanks... I should probably get dinner, yeah?"

In response Tech just gave an affirmative hum and walked back up to his bedroom as Wilbur started materials for a nice meal.

<after dinner, Wilbur's room.>

The two boys were sat on Wil's bed while watching a video on the shorter's phone. Then there was a knock on the door, followed by Phil's voice saying, "You two have a school day tomorrow, best to fall asleep now, yeah?"

"Okay dad-!" The brunette smiled back, before hopping off the bed and repositioning his blankets on the floor.

"Seriously? You're still gonna sleep on the floor?"

"I mean, yeah." The taller responded.

The Ravenette rolled his eyes fondly, "dude, come on. Your back is gonna be so sore in the morning! Just come sleep up here,"

Wilbur's face exploded with a flurry of reds and pinks, did Quackity really mean that? Does he even know what he said?! "Uh... Uhmm- I-"

"Don't overthink it. Just- come here you stubborn skyscraper." Q made a waving motion with his hand as he turned the side table lamp on, the brunette promptly turning off the main room light.

He took a deep breath before turning back to the shorter and saying, "wow, I really thought you were done with that nickname."

"Sorry, I'll try to remember to call you Wilby next time... though, I thought you said it was embarrassing?"

Wilbur's stomach butterflies flew up and around his chest, "...Not when it comes from you..." he mumbled, probably not loud enough for Quackity to hear. Probably.

The two boys got in the blanket, Wilbur laying on the outside spot and turning off the lamp. When the brunette turned around he didn't expect to see Q already laying down, practically asleep already. Eye spy must've really tired him out. Wil sighed, not of distaste, but something warm and kind. He laid down properly as well, facing the Ravenette.

Then, almost like he was on autopilot, he placed a hand on Quackity's soft hair. Lightly twisting it between his fingers before curling the dark locks around the boys ear. letting himself fall into a deep rest to the sounds of lights snores and breathing coming from Quackity himself.

Quackity pov:


I woke up to Wilbur's phone alarm, it was maybe seven am. He groaned before clicking the snooze button on the screen.

Wilbur, we need to get up.

The brunette complained into his pillow even more as I sat up, I could only make out a few words like 'warm' or 'tired' from him before I got up myself and turned the main light on. Earning a loud sigh from him as he sat up and stretched, "Awhhh, I liked sleeping..."

Too bad, Wilby. Now do you have any extras for a uniform?

I swear Wilbur turned pink before shoving his face into the palms of his hand and muttering out "Y-Yeah... second drawer on the left..."

I rolled my eyes and searched through the drawer, grabbing the uniform and walking toward the bathroom. After getting dressed I went back out into the room to find Wilbur already dressed yawning by the door.

Waiting for me? How chivalrous.

The brunette opened the door and said, "Of course, m'lady. Now c'mon, I'll make you breakfast." And we headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I stood beside Wil as he made toast, blabbing about something random. That's when Techno walked into the room, he had one big messy braid weaved with his hair. "Hey Quackity, odd question but have you got one of your house keys?"

Uhm... no, but I know where to find one. Why?

"Hmm, no reason in particular... are you willing to tell me where that place is?" The pinkette replied nonchalantly, what is he planning..? Just kidding, I don't give two shits.

There's an old broken plant pot on the front porch, it's under that. Now, I'm not gonna ask why you need it- but please just spare the things in my room if you blow it up. Maybe the Nutella too.

Tech laughed a bit at that, not replying anymore which told me the conversation was done. The brunette passed me a piece of toast while he ate his slice, and after a few minutes we were getting in the car with Tommy and Techno, Techno being the driver this time and Toms calling shotgun.

When the car pulled up to the school and we got out I saw Karl and Charlie point at us, running up immediately.

This was gonna be interesting...
[1190 words]

[lmao I feel like a crazy person🤭]

[heyyy so I'm gonna ask if you can see the music note thingy I put on the second next line, alright? Lemme know if you do.]

[there, do ya see it? Or is it just on my screen?]

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