Chapter forty-four: back home.

375 15 48

Chapter art by: @Frogwavy on Twitter.

TW: Swearing, implied violence(?)

Quackity's pov:

When the car pulled up to the school and we got out I saw Karl and Charlie point at us, running up immediately.

This was gonna be interesting...

"Dude! Where the hell did you go Friday?!" Karl yelped, Charlie following it up with, "Yeah! And why did you come to school with Wilbur?! You've got some explaining to do, Nevadas."

Okay, okay, chill out. I'll tell you at lunch, meet me in the stairwell.

Karl eyed me suspiciously before saying, "Fine... But you better be there or so help me god-"

I got it-! I'll be there.

The bell rang, and I ran away from Wilbur's potential confrontation. I really didn't want to talk with anyone right now...


As I promised, I went to the stairwell and found Karl sitting beside Charlie, whom was bouncing his leg impatiently. Slime gasped and turned around, "Quackity! Okay, you have some explaining to do! First, where did you run off to at the party?"

I felt my face heat up, I almost forgot about that...

I- Uhmm... next question?

Karl perked up at that, and grinned at me. "No, please elaborate. Why were you doing, Quackity?"

Do I have to tell you?

The two of them nodded yes.

I... uh- I kis-

"HOLY SHIT NO WAY?? WHO?!" Karl cut me off, it's like he could read my mind and know exactly what i was gonna say next.

...fine. It was Wi-

I was cut off yet again by Karl's loud laugh, "I FUCKING CALLED IT! You like him! Of course you do!"

"KARL SHUT UP. I can't read Q's mind that quickly! Who was it again?"


And yet again, more laughter. Of course they expected it. Sometimes I wonder if they just live inside my head, grabbing any embarrassing moment I've had and keeping it for themselves. The lighter simmered down to just a few light chuckles as Karl started to ask a different question, "Wait- wait- didn't you come to school with Wilbur? Are you two dating-!"

Shh! No, no we aren't. He was so drunk I doubt he even remembers. I went to his house cause- well... uhmm...

My voice got significantly quieter near the end. I forgot how hard it could be, talking about it. "Quackity..? Did something happen? You're never like this..." Charlie noted. "You can tell us, y'know. If something happened we won't judge."

It's dad. My- he- he moved back in for a little while, and got violent. I couldn't take it anymore... so I ran to Wil. He was the closest house I could get too at two in the morning. I know I should've called you guys but-

I got cut off by the two of them hugging me tightly, and for a second I thought I heard one of them sniffle.

Guys... it's fine- I'm fine. Wil helped me with the bruises and stuff, I'm safe now.

The two of them just hugged tighter, and I gave up trying to stop them from feeling bad. It was inevitable, I realized. They were gonna feel bad no matter what I said, so I'd just let them fall into that for a moment.

Or maybe till the end of lunch...

<after school, Wilbur's house>

Nobody's pov:

Charlie and Karl came with Quackity to the brunettes house, instead of joining in the already crowded car they just walked.

Everyone was in the house, except Technoblade. Until there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Mumza shouted before gasping, "Techno! Where were you?!"

"Sorry, I was... busy." The pinkette had drawn everyone's eyes to him, his hair was slightly messier than this morning, and he had slight splotches of pink and red on his knuckles. either he had been hit, or he hit something. Hard. "Quackity! Come here! I've got good news!"

The Ravenette walked up to him cautiously, "hey... what- what did you do, man?" He asked dumbfounded.

"Nothing of importance. Just wanted to let you know you can probably go back home now. The pest is gone."

"...pest? Technoblade what the fuck did you do?!"

The pinkette sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose between index fingers, "Calm down, Q. He's not dead. But he is thoroughly beaten and on a plane to America."

Quackity stared at him in disbelief for a moment, as did everyone else. But eventually the Ravenette ended up laughing just the slightest bit, causing the tension of the room to break. "Well I guess I should go home then... uhmm... thanks, all of you. That's- that's really nice, actually,"

The majority of the room was neither confused or happy, except Wilbur. The brunette was really fucking god that man was gone, and also probably scared of going back. But he also felt a little sad at he thought of Quackity leaving... "could I walk you home? It's quite late out..."

"No it's alright, Wilbur. We can take him there. We've got to head home as well," Charlie replied, much to the Ravenette's dismay. He actually wouldn't mind if the taller brought him home...

"Oh, alright then. Have a good day, Quackity."

"Uhmm... you too, I guess," he muttered, getting ushered out of the house by Karl and slime.

Quackity pov:

My friends dropped me off at the door, they offered to stay the night but I said it was fine. It feels odd leaving just like that.

But I don't dwell on it long, remembering that there's still a mess from my dad to clean up in the- oh, never mind. I guess Techno did that. Well maybe I'll just go to sleep early, Wilbur really got to me with those stupid sleeping habits. and by stupid, I mean healthy. Stupidly healthy.

I walk back upstairs and into my room. Everything's the same as I left it. Except my window has been shut. I sigh before turning my phone on and falling on my bed, texting Wil.


Sorry for not saying bye or anything
Karl was just excited

Don't apologize, Quackity.
I'll see you tomorrow anyways
I think I'm gonna go to bed early tonight,
Goodnight <3

Goodnight Wilbur



I let myself drift to sleep, I wasn't even tired. There was just nothing better to do...
[1059 words AHHHH]

[y'all I'm sad.]

[I don't want this fic to enddddd you've all been like actually so kind]

[Sadly, it will be ending soon. But I'll try to make it a very happy ending for you guys. If you want to suggest a thing you want to see someone in this fic do, let me know!! If I can pull myself together to write it, I will.]

[AHHHHHHH! Also sorry if my writing style is a little inconsistenttttt I've been practicing with... something else that I shan't release to the public yes but soooooon lol]

[I think it currently has... ten or eleven chapters each above 1000 words SO THATS FUN.]

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