A visitor from another world

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Elizabeth's POV:
I was running. Running as fast as I could, which I admit was quite fast, but not enough to outrun the man chasing me. I sharply turned a corner, slipping on the smooth, polished floor. My heart was beating fast with adrenaline as I sprinted toward the golden double doors, aiming to leave the endless hallways and out into the open air. As I enclosed upon my destination, I heard the loud footsteps of the man behind me, catching up to me with every step he took. I was close, only a little farther and I was free. However, just as I reached my hand out to open the doors, I felt a heavy body fall onto me from behind. I was knocked onto the floor landed on my chest. I groaned in pain, and rolled onto by back, staring the man in the eyes as he looked down at me, smirking.
"Really Thor?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows.
"Looks like I win again Elizabeth, just like always." He said, holding out his hand. I took it, and he hoisted me up back onto my feet. I dusted myself off.
"Well you didn't have to jump on me!" I exclaimed, raising my eyebrows at him.
"You never said I couldn't." Thor countered.
"Why can you not let me win at least once brother, I was very close this time!" He looked at me and smiled, leading us back towards the great Hall.
"Do not worry sister. One day you shall beat me! but not yet." He answered, turning the corner towards our destination. We walked quietly for a few minutes, before I broke the silence.
"Thank you, Thor."
"For what?" He asked, stopping in the hallway to turn and look at me.
"For taking my mind off things. But there is no need for you to worry Thor. I shall move on in my own time." I replied, looking up and smiling at him. He smiled back comfortingly and took my hands in his own, giving them a soft squeeze.
"I feel your pain, Elizabeth. Loki was... special. To all of us. He shall be dearly missed. But we need to look forward into the future instead of dwelling in the past." Thor said, letting go of my hand and bringing us into the great hall.
The huge room was brightly lit with candles and chandeliers lining the roof, overlooking the seemingly endless table that was filled with a vast variety of foods and drinks. The table was already almost full of people, apart from two seats, slightly bigger than the rest, that were placed opposite the king and queen Asgard.
We walked over and took our seats. I sat beside my best friend, Lady Sif, who looked at me and smiled sympathetically. She had long black hair that reached past her shoulders, and was wearing a silver dress that flowed down to her ankles. I smiled back and looked over at my brother, who was already raucously laughing with his friends, otherwise known as the 'warriors three', Fandral, Hogan and Volstagg. The four were already re-telling tales of their daring adventures, Sif and I cutting in every now and again to object to their over exaggerated stories. We toasted, drank and laughed together, forgetting about the tragic events that happened not so long ago.

Meanwhile in Jotunheim
Laufey, the king of Jotunheim, was standing by a window, looking out onto the icy wasteland that was his kingdom. Red hot anger grew in the Frost Giant, bubbling inside him as he watched his soldiers prepare to lead an attack upon Asgard. Ever since the news of Loki's death arrived, Laufey immediately began to arrange a full scale attack upon their enemy's land. Not only did Odin have the nerve to take the heir to Jotunheim, but then kill him years later. They will all pay, he thought. They took our prince, so we shall take their princess. He smiled at the thought of destroying Asgard, finally getting revenge for all Odin has done.

Back in Asgard
Thor and I were having the time of our lives, drinking and eating until our stomachs were full. However, in the midst of the feast, a low rumble could be heard. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and look towards the ceiling, which was shaking, bits of stone falling down. Me and Sif shared a worrying glance, before casting our gaze back towards the crumbling roof. All of a sudden, a loud explosion could be heard, and 3 Frost Giants burst through the wall. People fled the room, screaming and running for their lives. Anyone who stayed pulled out weapons that they were hiding under the table, except for me. I was the Goddess of the Elements, so instead of having a weapon, I used my power to attack. I formed fireballs in my hands and prepared to attack. However, before I could attack, I heard my father yell.
"Do not attack yet!"
"Father, they have intruded into the palace, we must defend our kingdom!" Thor shouted from beside me. At that moment, another Frost Giant, larger than the rest and wearing some sort of strange armour, walked through the gap in the hole.
"Laufey, what it the meaning of this! We had an agreement!" Odin proclaimed, walking up to that thing.
"Our agreement means nothing. You have killed my only heir, so now I must return the favour." Laufey, said smiling.
"You shall never kill me Laufey!" Thor yelled, raising his hammer Mjölnir in preparation to throw it in his face.
"No, we're not after Thor, we know that we could never kill Thor. In these surcumstances." He said, glaring at Thor, smirking at him sickeningly. "No, we're after the next best thing. You." He took out his sword and pointed at me. "Now prepare for your world to fall!" And with that, Frost Giants begin to fall through the ceiling, more than I could count.
"Uh, Thor, I hope you have a plan!" Fandral shouted, all six of us backing into a circle. I looked towards Thor, who had a fearless look on his face, but his eyes were scared.
"I have a plan." We all turned toward the voice, which turned out to be my father, who somehow got through the waves of Frost Giants. "Thor, Sif and the Warriors Three, I need you to hold them off while I talk to Elizabeth." He ordered. They all nodded at him and ran into the battle to join the guards and other warriors that had attended the feast. "Elizabeth, I know you want to fight, but in order for you to be save, I'm sending you to Midgard." I was shocked.
"But father-"
"No! You shall do as I command!" He stared down at me and I shut my mouth. I turned towards the battle, wishing so badly that I could join my freinds and family. But I must follow the Kings orders. I turned back towards my father, to see him conjure some sort of dark magic. Before I could say anything, I was thrown into darkness, and felt myself free-falling. I spun mid-air to see that I was falling towards a giant building, with the word 'STARK' in bright lights written across the front. I curled up into a ball and braced for impact. Suddenly, I felt a searing pain in back, causing me to cry out in pain. It's a good thing I heal fast, if I was mortal, I would surely be dead. I looked around and saw that I had made quite a large crater. It also appears that due to my powers I had created a ring of fire around myself. As I felt the affects of my fast healing take place, I saw three figures move towards me. One was a man in red, white and blue, another appeared to be a man made of some sort of red and gold metal, and the other appeared to be a girl. 'At least someone in this realm seems normal.' I thought.

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